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To avoid conflicts with other mods, you can claim ranges of modIDs for your mods here. Check this list before making your matmods, and add your IDs to the table.

Check the Guidelines section below for information about adding your own mod.

Valid values for matmod IDs are in the range from 0 to (presumably) 65535. At least 0-43 are used for the default material modifications, with several other vanilla IDs here and there.


Visual Effect Explanation
Conflict with WIP mods or obsolete mods
Conflict with released mods
Vanilla assets
Released mods
Obsolete (mods that were released, but have since become unavailable)

ID Table

This is the full table of IDs used by assets from released and unreleased mods, as well as vanilla.

Unreleased mods are less prioritized than the already released mods. Don't forget to mark your mod as released when it is out of WIP.

ID Range Mod status Mod name Author(s) Material Material Path Conflict with
1-43 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various tiles/mods
44-49 WIP DeviantAnomaly's Redemption Stuff DeviantAnomaly Dragon-Lead Ore, Vessel Fragment, Corium, Xenomite Shard, Irradiated Grass, Irradiated Undergrowth tiles/mods
50 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish corefragment tiles/mods
55 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish prisilite tiles/mods
71 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish toxicgrass tiles/mods
88 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish alpinegrass tiles/mods
111 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish colourfulgrass tiles/mods
195 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish metal tiles/mods
213 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish roots tiles/mods
214 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish undergrowth tiles/mods
222 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish fleshgrass tiles/mods
250 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish veingrowth tiles/mods
263 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish moss tiles/mods
302 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish blackash tiles/mods
303, 305, 309, 310 Released Hallowed Planets Omeruin Various tiles/mods
333-335 WIP/Beta leupaiREALIZATION Team Revecroix Various tiles/mods
336 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish trianglium tiles/mods
359 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish hiveceilinggrass tiles/mods
360-363 Released/WIP Voided: Expansion Mod (Steam, Non-Steam, GitHub) Void Eye Gaming Voltite Ore, Copper Powder (2 variants), Toxikite Ore tiles/mods
400-425 WIP Mod 8912 Qsmaster Various tiles/mods
501-507 Released More Gems Satanicpotatocat Various tiles/mods
580-582 WIP / Released GalaxyFoxes EX DayBreakShifter Keystone Ore, Spirit Stone, Void Stone tiles/mods
811 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish tarceiling tiles/mods
1164 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish erchius tiles/mods
1650-1652 WIP Tin Ore, Tin Blocks StikElLoco Tin Ore, Tin Blocks items/materials, tiles/mods
2040-2060 Unreleased Wild Frontier BlossomDancer Various tiles/mods
2144 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish ceilingsnow tiles/mods
3000-3100 Released/WIP The Starforge Frykas Various tiles/mods
3101-3200 Released/WIP Starknight Luyia Various tiles/mods
3215 Released Vanta Race AbsoluteXeroEX Dark Fragment tiles/mods
4401-4403 Released Betabound Silver Sokolova Rubium Ore, Cerulium Ore, Fossil tiles/mods
5100 Released Project Redemption Armok Impervium ore items/materials (Obsolete) Architecturizer (ID 5000-5100)
8999-9000 Released Chaos Weapons Prodigy Erechtheum, Esoquartz tiles/mods
9001-9080 Released/WIP Aetherium Engine Kaibyo Various tiles/mods
9301 Released Divine Planet Omeruin Sanctilite tiles/mods
9881-9895 Released More Stimpacks I Said No 15 glowing variants of vanilla ores, sans unused ores tiles/mods
16801-16842 Released Arcana Sva Various tiles/mods
20201-20208 Released Carpet Tool GonDragon Mod Material (Carpets) tiles/mods
24169 Released google chrome ore patman pat_googlechromeore /pat/googlechromeore
29470-29485 Unreleased/WIP Starburst Rework Mod Pixelflame Various tiles/mods
33399 WIP/Beta leupaiREALIZATION Team Revecroix revgoregrass tiles/mods
36500-36999 Released [Link here Shoggoth Race Mod] Sir Bumpleton, saint apollyon, Redstark Magnusson Various tiles/mods
37101-37199 Unreleased, WIP Erchius Epidemic SpicySpaceSnake Various items/materials or tiles/materials
47330 Released Origins of Species rl.starbound Custom matmod tiles/mods
50501-50517 Released [link here Terraria Mod] Bottinator22 Corrupt, Crimson, and Hallow grass tiles/mods
54206 Released Hellish Planet Omeruin Hadesium tiles/mods
53353, 53359, 53362, 53363 Released Starry Planets Omeruin Various tiles/mods
57000-57050 Work In Progress Stellarscape Raindrac Various tiles/mods
57051-57055 Work In Progress Geneforged Neb Various tiles/mods