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To avoid conflicts with other mods, you can claim ranges of material IDs for your mods here. Check this list before making your materials, and add your IDs to the table.

Check the Guidelines section below for information about adding your own mod.

Valid values for material IDs are in the range 0-65535. At least 0-300 (as of v. Enraged Koala) are used for the default materials, and 65500-65535 are MetaMaterials used internally by the engine to build things like dungeons, ships or to represent empty space. 65000-65499 are for MetaMaterials defined in /metamaterials.config. A material ID above 65535 will throw an exception.


Visual Effect Explanation
Conflict with WIP mods or obsolete mods
Conflict with released mods
Vanilla assets
Released mods
Obsolete (mods that were released, but have since become unavailable)

ID Table

This is the full table of IDs used by assets from released and unreleased mods, as well as vanilla.

Unreleased mods are less prioritized than the already released mods. Don't forget to mark your mod as released when it is out of WIP.

ID Range Mod status Mod name Author(s) Material Material Path Conflict with
1-300 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
301-310 Released Hallowed Planets Omeruin Various items/materials Unnamed mod by Teleforcedeathray
301-311 WIP Teleforcedeathray Stuff items/materials Hallowed Planets
312-332 Released Glow Blocks Lantzalot Glow Blocks items/materials
333 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
334-349 Obsolete More Blocks Matt Various items/materials
350 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
351-356 Released WW Furnishing (CF Forums Steam) IzzyKuroNeko (CF Steam)
Ishveth (CF Steam)
Wallpapers items/materials
357 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
360 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
361-406 Released WW Furnishing (CF Forums Steam) IzzyKuroNeko (CF Steam)
Ishveth (CF Steam)
Wallpapers items/materials
407-410 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
411-435 Released Deep Kingdom Anakin Various items/materials
436-452 WIP DeviantAnomaly's Redemption Stuff DeviantAnomaly various Terraria Redemption-related ore/blocks/etc items/materials
453-476 Released (Outdated) Stained Glass Sevidra Stained Glass Blocks items/materials or items/tiles
477 Released WW Furnishing (CF Forums Steam) IzzyKuroNeko (CF Steam)
Ishveth (CF Steam)
Wallpapers items/materials
500 Released Greenscreen Block DrPvtSkittles Greenscreen Block items/materials or items/tiles
501-507 Released More Gems Satanicpotatocat Various tiles/mods
550 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
551-560 Released Weapons Addition Spazdiesfirst360.0 Various tiles/materials
570 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
601 Released Amc's Random Items Mod AmcYeet White Latex items/materials | Unnamed mod by LowestFormOfWit
600-610 WIP LowestFormOfWit Stuff items/materials
611-622 Released Black Ice Credo Various tiles/materials
657 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
666 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
700-710 Unreleased xxswatelitexx Various items/materials
711 Released Cloth Block ViewerMarcus Cloth Block items/materials
712-717 Released More Slopes Cynic Various items/materials
718 Released Draconis Race Tweaks Cynic Draconis Hull Block items/materials
719 Released Draconis Recolour, Draconis Recolour Lite Cynic Draconis Hull Block (Purple) items/materials
776 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
887-889 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
900-910 Unreleased AstralGhost Various items/materials
911-989 Unreleased StormBound Beta Allistair Various items/materials, tiles/mods
990 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1007 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1011 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1164 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1177 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1182 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1185 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1187 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1188-1207 Released/WIP Voided: Expansion Mod (Steam, Non-Steam, GitHub) Void Eye Gaming Various items/materials
1208 Released/WIP Voided: Expansion Mod (GitHub Only) Void Eye Gaming Thick Wire items/materials
1255-1260 Unreleased SpiderDave Various items/materials
1293 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1333 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1391 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1392 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1400-1429 Released Greckan Race Mod Inf_Wolf14 Greckan Stuff items/materials
1430 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1431 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1432 Released Greckan Race Mod Inf_Wolf14 Greckan Stuff items/materials
1433 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1434-1443 Released Greckan Race Mod Inf_Wolf14 Greckan Stuff items/materials
1444 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1445-1450 Released Greckan Race Mod Inf_Wolf14 Greckan Stuff items/materials
1451 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1452-1464 Released The Angels of Starbound Omeruin Various items/materials
1500-1510 Released CopperStuff Der Trutinator Various tiles/rails
1550 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1590 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1591 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1600-1620 Released ISE4-Reconstruction DraLUSAD Various tiles/ores
1640 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1650-1652 WIP Tin Ore, Tin Blocks StikElLoco Tin Ore, Tin Blocks items/materials, tiles/mods
1666 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
1700-1899 Unreleased Zubarus Various items/materials
1900-2000 Unreleased liberalSpaceship Various items/materials [Released] Extended Story (ID 1990-2008)
1990-2008 Released Extended Story Void Eye Gaming Various items/materials Encounter mod by Gniolliv, unnamed mod by liberalSpaceship
2000-2100 Work in Progress Encounter Mod (C.T.O) Gniolliv Various items/materials [Released] Extended Story (ID 1990-2008)
2009-2010 Released Xeno's InvaderZim Mod XenoMind Irken Wall (2009), Irken Plate (2010) items/materials
2011-2016 Released Extended Story Void Eye Gaming Various items/materials
2019 Released Xeno's InvaderZim Mod XenoMind Irken Girder (2019) items/materials
2020-2060 Work in Progress WildFrontier BlossomDancer/Z4-9k Various items/materials
2061-2099 Released Corporate Expansion LK335q Various items/materials
2100-2199 Released Xeno's InvaderZim Mod XenoMind Irken Pipe (2185), Various items/materials
2200-2299 Released Frackin Universe, Prop Pack AsPerrUsual & Sentient Cookie Various items/materials
2300-2499 Released More Tiles & Greebles Storm_UK Various items/materials
2500-2572 Work in Progress UPDF TheChaosEwok Various items/materials
2573 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
2574 Released Holoblocks Bam4000 Blocks items/materials
2575-2599 Work in Progress UPDF TheChaosEwok Various items/materials
2600-2700 Released Janothia's Avali Door Pack

Janothia's Sloped Hazard Block

Janothia Blocks items/materials
2701-2799 Released/WIP Bloxel/WIP Dr_Shadox Various items/materials, tiles/mods
2800-2900 Work in Progress Neon Rsleeezy Various items/materials, tiles/mods
2901-3014 Released, WIP The Starforge Frykas Blocks items/materials
3015-3065 Released Community Block Additions Lileats Blocks items/materials
3066 Released Hallowed Planets Omeruin Various items/materials
3100-3200 Work in Progress Terrene Protectorate TheChaosEwok Various items/materials Edgebound Core by Edgebound Team
3100-3150 Work in Progress Edgebound Core Edgebound Team Various items/materials Terrene Protectorate by TheChaosEwok
3201-3300 Released/WIP Vanta Race AbsoluteXeroEX Various items/materials, tiles/mods
3302, 3304 Released More Farming: Revitalization ColonolNutty Jelon Block (3302), Toffee Block (3304) tiles/materials
3400-3600 Released The Peglaci Djinn Peglaci Stuff items/materials
3601-3700 Released Arachne Quintexial Arachne Stuff items/materials
3701-3759 Work in Progress Mod 8912 Qsmaster Various items/materials
3775-3875 (Unreleased) WIP DTL Raposa Race Mod BakiDance Various items/materials
4000-4005 Unreleased king of roombas Various items/materials [Released] The Aether Mod (ID 4000-4199)
4000-4199 Released, WIP The Aether Mod Lord IronBorne Various items/materials, tiles/materials, tiles/mods Unnamed mod by king of roombas (ID 4000-4005)
4200-4210 WIP V-Bucks DeltaNedas Various items/materials, tiles/materials [Released] The Orcana (ID 4200-4399)
4200-4399 Released The Orcana Nemasys Orcana Stuff items/materials V-Bucks (ID 4200-4210)
4400 Unreleased Energy Block SentientSupper Energy Block items/materials
4401-4420 WIP The Jogauni race mod liamhaas Jogauni things items/materials
4467-4468 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
4469-4618 Released Zennle's Better Placeables Zennle Blocks items/materials
4700 WIP Fragments of the Ruin Additions Mr_Perlimpinpin Ruin's Flesh Platform items/materials
4701-4799 Work in Progress Various Mod Updates TheChaosEwok Various items/materials
4800-4850 Unreleased Tundra Various items/materials
4995-4999 Released Tier Nine Ships eLe Ship Blocks items/materials
5000-5100 Obsolete Architecturizer ThePhail Blocks items/materials
5000-5001 Released Invisible Blocks Void Eye Gaming Various items/materials [Released] Shadow Expansion (ID 5000-5025)

(Obsolete) Architecturizer (ID 5000-5100)

5000-5025 Released, WIP Shadow Expansion Evil Parrot Various tiles/materials [Released] Invisible Blocks (ID 5000-5001)

(Obsolete) Architecturizer (ID 5000-5100)

5200-5220 Obsolete Protectorate Repowered DragonnFire29 Protectorate Blocks items/materials
5724-5744 Released Starfoundry metadept & Starfoundry Team Metal Pipes (5724-5730)
Sewer Pipes (5731-5737)
Clean Sewer Pipes (5738-5744)
5745-5784 Released Pipes liquid flow Erazil Pipes with liquid flow items/materials
5785-5850 Released Gyrusens+ GXyon, L4DTurboZero Gyrusen Stuff items/materials
5851-5999 Work in Progress Shinigami Apples Various items/materials
6000-6199 Work in Progress Sentient Cookie Various items/materials
6100 Released Better Chains, Alternative Sentient Cookie Sloped Chain Blocks items/materials
6200-6399 Work in Progress Panthera Pardus Various items/materials [Released] FrackinUniverse (ID 6200-6899)
6200-6899 Released Frackin Universe Sayter Various items/materials Unnamed mods by Panthera Pardus and Lazarus78
6400-6499 Unreleased Lazarus78 Various items/materials [Released] FrackinUniverse (ID 6200-6899)
6900 Released Weapons Addition Spazdiesfirst360.0 Various items/materials
6960-6968 Released Betabound Silver Sokolova Heck Brains, Smooth Concrete, Skyrails /tiles/materials, tiles/skyrail
6969 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish Various items/materials
6970-6971 Released Betabound Silver Sokolova Steel Chain, Hivestone /tiles/materials
7000-7050 Released StarTroid Seeko Various items/materials
7051-7052 Released Forcefield Block Seeko Various items/materials
7101-7110 Released Adalani's Arsenal Ascalaphas Various items/materials
7160-7174 Released Vepr Ship (revived) ProkhorVLG(original)
bk3k (revived)
Vepr Ship items/materials
7301-7330 Released Pixel Goods Store Boogy Various items/materials
7500-7599 WIP Deadbeat Race Mod evanaug Various items/materials
7700-7800 Unreleased Blood Various items/materials, tiles/materials
7801-7850 Released Spirit Tree Race Maplecat, Mau5tick, AmbeX, Tigrex Various items/materials
8000-8150 Released Skath Race Skath Race team Skath Stuff items/materials [Released] Luxury Blocks Collection (ID 8001-8015)
8001-8015 Released Luxury Blocks Collection Cera Ralaz Luxury blocks items/materials [Released] Skath Race (ID 8000-8150)
8200-8720 Unreleased Lorenerd11 Various tiles/materials, tiles/mods
8726-8763 Released Automatic Irrigator Spacedino Irrigation Pipes items/materials
8770-8899 Unreleased Lorenerd11 Various tiles/materials, tiles/mods
8900-8979 Released/WIP Aetherium Engine Kaibyo Various items/materials
8980-8989 Work in Progress Luraxin Race Kaibyo Various items/materials
8990-9000 Work in Progress Unnamed Project Kaibyo Various items/materials
9001-9029 Released Felins Kawa Felin Stuff items/materials
9030-9047 Work in Progress Null Byte Kaibyo Various items/materials
9100-9129 Released Neki Juni Neki Stuff items/materials
9300-9308 Released Divine Planet Omeruin Various items/materials
9350 Unreleased Environmental Expansion Omeruin Various items/materials, tiles/mods
9400-9410 WIP Honey Biome Mod Mr. Mecha Honey & Hive Blocks items/materials
9411-9417 WIP Noche's Geode Expansion noche New Geode Blocks items/materials
9600-9900 WIP Xaliber Blocks and Stuff items/materials
9901-9941 Released Project: Ancient Cosmos Pixelflame Various items/materials
9991-9996 Released Glowing Gels I Said No Glowing Gels items/materials
9997-10004 Released Effect Gels I Said No Effect Gels items/materials
10016-10019 Released Obsidian Furniture I Said No Obsidian Tiles, Beam, Pillar items/materials
10024 Released Magnetic Planets I Said No Red Glowing Rock items/materials
10025 Released Sloped Wood Blocks I Said No Sloped Wood Block items/materials
10026 Released Sloped Glass Blocks I Said No Sloped Glass Block items/materials
10027-10031 Released Moonstone Furniture I Said No Smooth Moonstone, Moonstone Tile , Moonstone Support Beam, Moonstone Railings, Moonstone Platform items/materials
10032-10060 Released Mosaic Tiles gay moth aunt Mosaic Tiles items/materials
10061-10064 Released Magmarock Furniture I Said No Magmarock with Lava, Magmarock Bricks, Magmarock Support Beam, Magmarock Platform items/materials
10090-10099 Released Cardboard Tiles - ID patch! Vix Carboard Tiles (patched from 9999 to 10099) items/materials
10100-10500 Unreleased TanzNukeTerror Various items/materials
10501-10999 Unreleased Lazarus78, JunosatoRyu Various items/materials
11000-11200 Unreleased Towja Various items/materials
11300-11350 Released Delusive Dimensions GXyon, L4DTurboZero Various items/materials
11201-11250 Unreleased Starbound Industries UniQMG Starbound Industries materials items/materials
11251-11351 WIP (Private/Unreleased) public_enema Various items/materials
11500-11999 Released Wasp Hive GTG3000 Wasp Hive Blocks items/materials
12000-12100 Released Nostalgic Greenery Charlatan Nostalgic Greenery Tiles tiles/materials
12100-12200 Released Nostalgic Greenery Charlatan Nostalgic Greenery Grass Mods tiles/mods
12201-12300 Released Zennle's Placeables Zennle Various tiles/materials
12201-12300 Released D.N.Z Placeables MrNightmares,Zennle Various tiles/materials Zennles Better Placables ZBP and ZP
12301-12500 Released Kenopsea Credo Various tiles/materials
12501-12525 Released Avali (Triage) Race Mod Avali Triage team Avali Blocks items/materials
12700-12710 WIP (Private/Unreleased) Lightsourced Various items/materials
12750-12755 WIP Simple Slopes and More CatgirlChilis Various items/materials
12900-12999 Released Castlevania Mod MasterCookie Castlevania Blocks items/materials
13000-13117 Released The Viera of Ivalice AmazonValkyrie Various items/materials
13500-13617 Released Super SB Peach & Daisy Super SB Peach, Daisy Various items/materials
14000-14010 Unreleased EFext Idanwin Various items/materials
14200 Released The Nomadic De'nelaun Omeruin Block items/materials
14500-14510 Released Lego M-Tron, Lego Blacktron Okralord Various items/materials
15000-15019 Released Steven Universe Gem Race Mod SpaceDonkeyKong Gem Stuff, Invisible Wall tiles/materials
15021-15200 Released Elemental Correstialism Hellession 111 Chemical Elements, Various tiles/materials
16000-16050 Released Slime Race Mod XelSlime VariHard Slime Glob, Slime Platform, Strong Slime Glob, Sticky Slime Globous tiles/materials
16301-16500 Released Arcana Sva Arcana tiles/materials
16501-16520 Released Letheia Objects Expanded Sva Letheia Objects tiles/materials
16521-16900 Released Arcana Sva Arcana tiles/materials [Released] Print & Pack 3.6
16901-16920 Released Ironsides Sva Various items/materials
15000-15499 WIP Apex Mod 1 Apexia Various items/materials/objects
17000-17800 Unreleased InferusRF Various items/materials [Released] Avalonian Culture Shock (ACS) (ID 17500-17520)
17500-17520 Released Avalonian Culture Shock (ACS) Prodigy Various items/materials
16801-16860 Released Arcana Sva Various items/materials
18000-18015 Unreleased Hav'on Maw Race Mod Chess Various items/materials [Released] Display Ores (ID 18000-18021)
18000-18021 Released Display Ores Reika Placed Ores items/materials Hav'on Maw Race Mod (ID 18000-18015)
18188-18200 WIP Liquid Source MockTurtle Various items/materials/objects
18500-18511 Released Prop Pack rare_candy_bracelet Various tiles/materials
18700-18712 Released Static Blocks Kirisong Static Blocks tiles/materials
18713-18719 Released Glowing Colored Neon Blocks Sea Pickle Glowing Colored Neon Blocks tiles/materials
19200-19300 Released More Farming: Revitalization ColonolNutty Neon Melon Block (19201), Pumpkin Block(19202), Sugar Block (19203), Sugarcane Block (19204)

Chocolate Blocks: Plain (19205), Dark (19206), White (19207)
Chocolate Brick: Dark (19208), Plain (19209), White (19210)
Hard Chocolate Blocks: Dark (19211), Plain (19212), White (19213)
Soft Chocolate Blocks: Fark (19214), Plain (19215), White (19216)

19900 Released, WIP The Gallavoir: Gardevoir/Gallade Mackinz, Princess of Evil Passho Berry Block items/materials
19901-19904 Released Bloxels Mackinz Bloxels items/materials
19905-19989 Unknown, possibly released Unknown Mackinz Various items/materials
19990 Released More Farming: Revitalization Mackinz, ColonolNutty Wicker Platform items/materials
19991-20000 Unknown Unknown Mackinz Various items/materials
20001-20200 Released VoxelPlus Meteor_Strike Various items/materials
20201-20208 Released Carpet Tool GonDragon Mod Material (Carpets) tiles/mods
20400-20453 Released Grassification Station Markelius Grassed Blocks items/materials
21000-21010 Released Enhanced Rails Jay Rails items/materials, tiles/rails
21420-21425 Released Hemp+ SkyeTheTerribleBeastie Various items/materials
22000-22500 Work in Progress Project Starbound Reawaken Jackal Chan Various
22001-22006 Released Better Logs mothbeanie Various items/materials Project Starbound Reawaken
23000-23100 Released StarTrekBound zeeHtaa Various items/materials
24000-24499 Released Compatibility Patches Zoomah Various items/materials
25000-25500 Unreleased Splatoon Zilten Various tiles/materials
25501-25550 Released Umbral Coalition Vetpetmon/Makmorn Various items/materials
26000-26100 Released Skittles Races DrPvtSkittles Various items/materials
26200-26300 Released Shellguard Expansion Remastered Travelling Merchant, Princess of Evil Various items/materials
26500-26600 WIP The Epiphenic Hive  !?!/Interrobang^2 Various items/materials or items/tiles
29498-29499 Released Wildfire Xenary Burned Wood & Platform items/materials
30001-30027 Released MadTulips Spaceship Building Mod MadTulip Ship Tiles items/materials [Released] Elithian Races Mod
30000-30250 Released Elithian Races Mod Aegonian Various items/materials [Released] MadTulips Spaceship Mod
31000-31025 Released The Black Armory TheKatFx Various items/materials and items/tiles
32221 Released Dr. Ferrocene's Cloud Platforms Dr. Ferrocene Cloud Platform (drf_cloudplatform) items/materials and items/tiles
32222-32223 Released Dr. Ferrocene's Tilled Cloud Patch Dr. Ferrocene Tilled Cloud (drf_cloudtilled) & Dry Tilled Cloud (drf_cloudtilleddry) items/materials and items/tiles
33000-34000 WIP/Beta leupaiREALIZATION Team Revecroix Various items/materials
33000-34000 Unreleased Madtulip Spaceship Mod (SivCorp Compatibility Patch) SivCorp Various items/materials
34001-34500 WIP/Beta Lorebound Smorgasmackan Various items/materials
34501-34505 WIP/Beta Cloudy Planets Commander Gray Various items/materials
35230-35249 Released Wabbels Teihoo, MrMock Wabbels stuff items/materials
35250-35260 Released Elunite Race Mod Omnija & Sotaeko Various items/materials
36500-36999 Released Shoggoth Race Mod Sir Bumpleton, saint apollyon, Redstark Magnusson Various items/materials
37000-37100 Unreleased (Star)Weaver Various
37101-37199 Unreleased, WIP Erchius Epidemic SpicySpaceSnake Various items/materials or tiles/materials
37200-37700 WIP DraikNova Various
37701-37800 WIP Pickle Crafting Alpho Various items/materials
37801-38800 Unreleased/WIP LegoMaster3650 Various
39999 Released Elithian Races Mod Aegonian Green Screen Platform items/materials [Released] MadTulips Spaceship Mod
40178-40184 Released Betabound Silver Sokolova Skyrails items/materials
41000-41002 Released, WIP [Lambsie11's Halo Mod] lambsie11 Various items/materials
42000-42999 Released Hull Plating Blocks
(original) (revived)
simulatoralive (original)
bk3k (revived)
Hull Plating Blocks items/materials
43000-43020 Released Cyberspace Sandbox Jane Dorable Cyberspace items/materials
43500-43599 Released RGB Tmerus televoid materials items/materials
44000-44160 WIP Hipolipolopigus Various items/materials
44400-44401 Released Actually invisible blocks and platforms Good Game Invisible Block, Invisible Platform items/materials
44500-44510 WIP DHMO Expansion Dedexy Various items/materials
44511-44520 WIP Dedexy Blocks Dedexy Cargo Block and other deco blocks items/materials
45000-45029 Released Javabound author Various items/materials
46000-46004 Released Penguin Piracy Mod ElsenRykker Various items/materials
46005-46013 Released Pandora's Box ElsenRykker Various items/materials
46014-46100 WIP Pandura Matrix ElsenRykker Various items/materials
46101-46116 Released United Systems Expansion Medicfast90/Soldierfast90 Various items/materials
46199 Released Prey: Gloo Cannon Medicfast90/Soldierfast90 Various items/materials
46117-46300 Released Galaxy in Conflict Zerotango Various items/materials
47010-47017 Released RL Extra Materials rl.starbound sloped glass panels items/materials, tiles/materials
47018-47029 WIP rl_extramaterials rl.starbound sloped glass panels items/materials, tiles/materials
47320-47322 Released RL Extra Materials rl.starbound invisible blocks and platforms items/materials, tiles/materials, tiles/platforms
47330-47349 WIP Asteroid Belt Dungeons rl.starbound Various items/materials, tiles/materials
47400-48000 Released CATACLYSM FR4C74LH3X⎔ Various items/materials
49000-49199 Released Better Crafted Blocks Miss Andri Various items/materials
49800-49999 Released Extended Logic ThinkInvisible Various items/materials
50000-50003 Released Starhammer40k Maverick Various items/materials
50000-50100 Released Gorfob's Mods Gorfob Various items/materials
50101-50200 WIP TheBrokenDays Celina Various items/materials
50201-50230 WIP Ardani & Onodrim OrangeJuice Various items/materials
50231-50235 WIP Trollbound Team Dev-Chan Various items/tiles/materials
50300-50302 Released Engine Blocks & Cables Butternubs Various items/materials
50500-50516 Released [link here Terraria Mod] Bottinator22 Corrupt, Crimson, and Hallow blocks tiles/materials
50505-50605 WIP Opposite Day EpicCreeper04 Various items/materials
50785-50800 Released Knightfall Nitrosteel Various items/materials
50800-50900 WIP Knightfall Nitrosteel Various items/materials
51000-51030 Released Protectorate Themed Blocks Maya de Garde Various items/materials
51150-51175 WIP Various Mods Nebulox Various items/materials
51254-51268 Released MadTulips Modded Blocks thakyZ Block IDs tiles
52028-52039 Released MadTulips Spaceship Mod (FU Compatible) A-Vladimir Platform IDs platforms
52570 Released Core Tech AndrielChaoti & Dawn Felstar Various tiles/materials
53000-53020 WIP Woggles! GXyon & Turbozero Various items/materials
53350-53364 Released Starry Planet Omeruin Various items/materials
54700-54750 Released The Saturnians Cyan Sky Knight (Skyligh) Various items/materials
55501-55527 Released MadTulips/Elithian Compatibility Patch thegamemaster1234 Tile IDs tiles Wild Instruments
55511 WIP Wild Instruments ASquishedFishPattyOnABun Various items/materials [Released] MadTulips/Elithian Compatibility Patch
56200-56211 Released Nebulac Race Omeruin Various items/materials
57000-57100 Work in Progress Stellarscape Raindrac Various items/materials
60000-60001 WIP Starbound: Universal Expansion bconlonGaming, Yeeol Various items/materials Spacebabes
60000-60099 Work In Progress Spacebabes AD Various tiles/materials Starbound: Universal Expansion
60100-60300 Released/WIP Starknights Luyia Blocks items/materials
60301-60500 WIP Ender Matter Dragon_Flight Blocks items/materials
61000-61999 Work In Progress WFSYSTEM Mikenyes, Dawn Felstar, C0bra5 Various items/materials/wfsystem
62000-62001 WIP Starbound: Protectors Edition MrCoal Various various paths
62002-62022 Unreleased/WIP Protolop Race Gabriel Various items/materials
62100-62125 Released K'Rakoths, the Lords of the Cosmos Angry Turret Various items/materials
62130-62300 Work in Progress Mod 8912 Qsmaster Various items/materials
62500-62520 Work in Progress Engai Race SoberGin Various items/materials
62521-63799 Unreleased/WIP Starbound: ContentPAK (VIEW BLOG) That1Rand0mChannel Various items/materials
63800-64100 WIP Builder Palette Extender ZaChrome Various items/materials
64200-64300 WIP Arthac Corporation Ertinia Blocks items/materials
65000-65003 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish MetaMaterials metamaterials
65010-65011 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish MetaMaterials metamaterials
65020 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish MetaMaterials metamaterials
65030 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish MetaMaterials metamaterials
65050 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish MetaMaterials metamaterials
65101-65102 Released Leaky Doors Anter583 Door metamaterials that let liquids through metamaterials
65200-65210 Released Enhanced Rails Jay Rail Metamaterials metamaterials
65120 Released/WIP Voided: Expansion Mod (GitHub Only) Void Eye Gaming Conductive Door Metamaterial items/materials
65211-65249 WIP Berry's Bits Berry Various items/materials
65250-65260 Released VosNet Vos Various items/materials
65270-65280 Released Mousqutaires the420urchin Mousqutaire Stuff items/materials
65281-65290 Unreleased/WIP Chitten Mimaah Various items/materials
65291-65519 Unreleased/WIP Unnamed Metroid mod StarryTheSlayer Various various paths
65500-65535 Vanilla Vanilla Chucklefish MetaMaterials [engine internal]