NPC Ship

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NPC ship banner

An NPC ship is a procedurally generated space dungeon that can appear in any star system at random. It will be displayed with a white ship icon in the navigation console.

Players can board NPC ships by navigating their own ship towards the target and then deploying their mech. After exploring an NPC ship, its icon will be shown greyed out.

NPC ships can be either friendly or hostile. The description and name of the ship will specify whether the ship is hostile or friendly, but other than that, they cannot be distinguished in the navigation console.

Friendly NPC Ships

Astro Merchant Ship

Astro merchant ships have a distinct astro themed look, complete with orange/white coloring. Each of them has one astro merchant NPC in the cockpit, who carries a noticeable backpack and sells several astro objects.

Industrial Merchant Ship

Industrial merchant ships have a slate gray, metallic look and contain industrial furniture. An industrial merchant can be found in each of them, who sells various industrial objects.

Penguin Ship

Penguin ships are small rusty space ships with penguin crews.

Most containers on this type of ship contain basic space treasure. The only exception is the Decayed Chest on top of the Industrial Computer in the cockpit; it contains a guaranteed Shockhopper Mech Body blueprint as well as one of the following lore books.

Research Ship

Research ships have a clean white-and-green appearance, and are outfitted with science-related furniture. These ships tend to be smaller than other non-penguin ships, and have neither merchants nor any unique loot.

Hostile NPC Ships

A hostile ship can be encountered within any star system. The threat level depends on the star system the ship is in:

Star Type Threat Level
Gentle or Temperate Star Low (Tier 3)
Radioactive Star Moderate (Tier 4)
Frozen Star Dangerous (Tier 5)
Fiery Star Extreme (Tier 6)

Pirate Ship

Two pirates guarding the Industrial Storage Locker

A pirate ship is an NPC ship with a human bandit crew.

Most containers in a pirate ship contain either basic space treasure or space trash. The notable exception is the Industrial Storage Locker in the cockpit, which contains at least one rare space item. The ship can also contain Liquid Erchius Fuel.

Bounty Ship

As part of bounty quest arcs, hostile NPC ships may be spawned into star systems. These ships are nearly identical to pirate ships, except they are filled with gang members instead of bandits. Depending on where the ship is in the bounty quest arc, the player must either find a clue to the next location on the ship, or arrest the bounty target.

Cultist Ship

A cultist ship is an NPC ship with a Occasus Cult crew.

Most containers in cultist ships contain basic space treasure. The notable exception is the Decayed Chest in the cockpit, which has a very high chance to contain either the Occasus Mech Body blueprint or the Occasus-2 Mech Body blueprint, depending on the threat level of the encounter. The Occassus-2 Mech Body blueprint can only be found in cultist ships with a threat level of extreme, while the Occasus Mech Body blueprint can be found on all lower threat levels

Spawn Chances

Ship Category Total Spawn Chance Ship Type Spawn Chance
Friendly Ship ~51% Astro Merchant Ship ~15%
Industrial Merchant Ship ~15%
Penguin Ship ~4%
Research Ship ~18%
Hostile Ship ~49% Cultist Ship ~4%
Pirate Ship ~45%


Friendly NPC Ship Objects

Object/Item Category Price Description
Astro Cabinet Icon.png Astro Cabinet Storage 110 A modern metal cabinet with floor mounting brackets.
Astro Ceiling Monitor Icon.png Astro Ceiling Monitor Decorative 125 Brackets are built into the base to attach this monitor to the ceiling.
Astro Chair Icon.png Astro Chair Furniture 85 A modern chair design, commonly found inside spaceships.
Astro Console Icon.png Astro Console Wire 200 A large display built to monitor a variety of devices.
Astro Door Icon.png Astro Door Door 125 This door forms an airtight seal when closed.
Astro Light Icon.png Astro Light Light Source 75 A ceiling mounted utility lantern.
Astro Monitor Icon.png Astro Monitor Decorative 95 A compact electronic display monitor.
Astro Server Icon.png Astro Server Decorative 70 A large computer server rack, with brackets for floor mounting.
Astro Storage Locker Icon.png Astro Storage Locker Storage 225 An astro panel storage locker.
Astro Table Icon.png Astro Table Furniture 85 A solid, floor mounted working surface.
Astro Vent Icon.png Astro Vent Decorative 70 An artificial atmospheric system exhaust port.
Astro Wall Panel Icon.png Astro Wall Panel Decorative 70 A panel designed for inside space environments.
Decayed Chest Icon.png Decayed Chest Storage 70 A battered, decayed looking chest.
Docking Field Icon.png Docking Field Wire 0 This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.
Free Standing Console Icon.png Free Standing Console Wire 125 A control console.
Hylotl Ship Door Icon.png Hylotl Ship Door Door 125 A door suitable for a spaceship.
Industrial Canister Icon.png Industrial Canister Storage 85 A sealed metal canister, that might be used to store hazardous liquids.
Industrial Computer Icon.png Industrial Computer Wire 140 An old metal computer tower. Untidy cables hang out of its back.
Industrial Display Icon.png Industrial Display Wire 105 A display which appears to be connected to some sort of radar.
Industrial Door Icon.png Industrial Door Door 125 A tough automated door, reinforced to be able to survive intense intergalactic conditions.
Industrial Storage Locker Icon.png Industrial Storage Locker Storage 225 A wall mounted locker, complete with hazard stripes and a red light.
Landing Beacon Icon.png Landing Beacon Light Source 100 This guidance beacon marks the position of a landing bay.
Red Light Icon.png Red Light Light Source 60 A dim red light.
Ship Greeble 3 Icon.png Ship Greeble 3 Decorative 0 A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?
Ship Greeble 4 Icon.png Ship Greeble 4 Decorative 0 A strange piece of ship. Looks like it might serve a purpose, but who really knows?
Station Pylon Icon.png Station Pylon Decorative 240 A large rotating generator, or radar, or perhaps an engine...

Hostile NPC Ship Objects

Object/Item Category Price Description
Cultist Airlock Door Icon.png Cultist Airlock Door Door 175 A crudely-made airlock door.
Cultist Airlock Hatch Icon.png Cultist Airlock Hatch Door 175 A crudely-made airlock hatch.
Cultist Banner Icon.png Cultist Banner Decorative 100 A worn wall banner, spraypainted with the Occasus cult emblem.
Cultist Chest Icon.png Cultist Chest Storage 80 A metal chest with a glowing eye emblem on it.
Cultist Door Icon.png Cultist Door Door 145 A purple door with an eye, fit for an evil cult.
Decayed Chest Icon.png Decayed Chest Storage 70 A battered, decayed looking chest.
Docking Field Icon.png Docking Field Wire 0 This energy field can contain both atmosphere and artificial gravity.
Environmental Data Panel Icon.png Environmental Data Panel Decorative 135 This panel appears to monitor some obscure environmental data.
Free Standing Console Icon.png Free Standing Console Wire 125 A control console.
Human Ship Door Icon.png Human Ship Door Door 125 A door suitable for a spaceship.
Industrial Canister Icon.png Industrial Canister Storage 85 A sealed metal canister, that might be used to store hazardous liquids.
Industrial Computer Icon.png Industrial Computer Wire 140 An old metal computer tower. Untidy cables hang out of its back.
Industrial Display Icon.png Industrial Display Wire 105 A display which appears to be connected to some sort of radar.
Industrial Storage Locker Icon.png Industrial Storage Locker Storage 225 A wall mounted locker, complete with hazard stripes and a red light.
Landing Beacon Icon.png Landing Beacon Light Source 100 This guidance beacon marks the position of a landing bay.
Red Light Icon.png Red Light Light Source 60 A dim red light.
Wrecked Bed Icon.png Wrecked Bed Furniture 125 Filth and rust have eaten away at this bed. Thankfully I'm not at all tired.
Wrecked Computer Icon.png Wrecked Computer Decorative 70 Scratching sounds from the inside... I think something has made a nest in there.
Wrecked Console Icon.png Wrecked Console Decorative 70 No chance of this thing starting up.
Wrecked Crate Icon.png Wrecked Crate Storage 75 A antique crate, I wonder what's inside..
Wrecked Locker Icon.png Wrecked Locker Storage 85 An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside...
Wrecked Table Icon.png Wrecked Table Furniture 55 A battered old table. Still operational as far as tables go!


Friendly NPC Ship Screenshots

Hostile NPC Ship Screenshots