Floran Ship

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The Floran starter ship has design influences from other races ships. The reason in rooted in Floran lore, which defines the race as scavengers, stealing technology from other races.

The ship appears overgrown with plant life, and has a skeleton mounted to the front.

Floran Ship Upgrade 3.png

Pet The pet unique to Floran ships is a snake.

Ship Upgrades

As the player progresses farther into the story of Starbound, they'll unlock additional modules on their starter ship. These additional modules provide more space on the ship for players to place objects, as well as crafting stations, containers, and furniture.

Initially the players ship is broken, and the first stage of the story is to repair it. After that the ship engines need to be repaired. By the third stage of upgrade the ship is fully repaired and additional stages increase size.

After repairing the ship FTL drive the player will open a variety of missions that will allow them to upgrade the side of their ship. These quests are given at the outpost and are as follows;

Mollygos originally shared pictures of the complete Floran upgrade set in a posting on playstarbound.com.[1]

Floran Ship Upgrades.gif

Level 1 (Broken)

Floran Ship Upgrade 1.png

Level 2

Floran Ship Upgrade 2.png

Level 3

Floran Ship Upgrade 3.png

Level 4

Floran Ship Upgrade 4.png

Level 5

Floran Ship Upgrade 5.png

Level 6

Floran Ship Upgrade 6.png

Level 7

Floran Ship Upgrade 7.png

Level 8

Floran Ship Upgrade 8.png


The original Floran starter ship.
  • The original model for the Floran ship was an Apex Ship covered in vines. While not identical to the Apex starter ship, it was very similar in shape and design, and when the pilot seat was examined, Floran characters would observe that it "smells like Apex butt".
  • The Floran ship is built out of other race's ship parts: A Glitch ship's cannons, an Avian ship's pyramid top(and a part of an Avian ship's bottom platform at the rear of the ship when the Floran ship upgrades into a Condor Class ship), An Apex ship's cockpit, A Human ship's thruster. The ship itself has a Human ship's base.


  1. http://playstarbound.com/progress-on-ships/
