Glow Set

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Glow Set
Glow Set.png
Power Multiplier Stat.png     0%
Protection Stat.png     0
Max Energy Stat.png     0
Max Health Stat.png     0
Pixels-Sell.png 0

Glow Set is a cosmetic armor set found in Glow Chests in Bioluminescence mini-biomes.

Each piece applies the glow status effect, allowing the player to emit a faint glow of light when worn.

Set Pieces

Glow Mask Icon.png
Glow Mask
Glow Mask.png
A luminescent mask - light up the night!
Rare Pixels-Sell.png 2500
Glow Suit Icon.png
Glow Suit
Glow Suit.png
A luminescent suit - shine like a star!
Rare Pixels-Sell.png 2500
Glow Trousers Icon.png
Glow Trousers
Glow Trousers.png
Some luminescent trousers - tread carefully no longer!
Rare Pixels-Sell.png 2500


  • Pleased Giraffe: Changed name from 'Biolumin Pants' to 'Glow Pants', changed description and appearance