Silver Set

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Silver Set
Silver Set.png
Power Multiplier Stat.png     100%
Protection Stat.png     45
Max Energy Stat.png     20
Max Health Stat.png     20
Pixels-Sell.png 0
Silver Set is an armor set, which has a chance to be sold by merchants. It has similar stats to tier 2 armor crafted from tungsten.

In early beta this armor was craftable, but the crafting recipes were removed in update rampaging koala.

Set Pieces

Silver Helmet Icon.png
Silver Helmet
Silver Helmet.png
Power Multiplier    30%
Armor Boost    13.5
Max Energy Boost    6
Max Health Boost    6
Stay shiny wearing this silver helmet.
Common Pixels-Sell.png 1440
Silver Chestpiece Icon.png
Silver Chestpiece
Silver Chestpiece.png
Power Multiplier    50%
Armor Boost    22.5
Max Energy Boost    10
Max Health Boost    10
A shiny chestpiece made of silver.
Common Pixels-Sell.png 2400
Silver Greaves Icon.png
Silver Greaves
Silver Greaves.png
Power Multiplier    20%
Armor Boost    9
Max Energy Boost    4
Max Health Boost    4
Shiny leg greaves made from silver.
Common Pixels-Sell.png 960
