The Starbound Chronicle
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The Starbound Chronicle was a monthly newsletter released on the Starbound Official site. It was produced at the beginning of each month by Mollygos, and included news updates, screenshots, fan submissions/letters, & community spotlights.
Contributors to the Chronicle are awarded a forum badge on the official forums.
- 1 2014
- 2 2013
- 2.1 December - Beta Available!
- 2.2 November - Adding Status Effects!
- 2.3 October - September Wrap-Up!
- 2.4 September - Insomnia Gaming Festival
- 2.5 August - A Month's Worth of Development
- 2.6 July - Lots of Lore
- 2.7 June - Intro Cinematics
- 2.8 May - Crashing E3 Edition
- 2.9 April - Roadmap to Beta Edition
- 2.10 March - First Edition! So shiny + new!
Read the full newsletter here- Musings on the origin of Bigcoin - History of the Apex currency Bigcoin.
- McVicar Makes a Friend - Comic continuing the story of Chronicle reporter Charlton McVicar, and introducing Hiraki Corale.
- Wallpaper of the Month - Bandit fighting a Glitch Knight!
March - Chronicle Investigator Goes M.I.A.
Read the full newsletter here- Where in the Universe is Charlton McVicar? - Some details about missing Chronicle reporter Charlton McVicar, and his last ominous transmission about the Agarans.
- Achievements in Science
- Chocobo Mounts - Adds mountable Chocobos of many colors as well as some other Final Fantasy items and objects.
- Avali Race - Player made race mod with a large amount of custom lore, culture and custom items and objects.
- Kids - Adds the option to have children NPCs accompany the player
- Wallpaper of the Month - Agaran Invasion
February - The Agaran Menace Strikes Hylotl Camp
Read the full newsletter here- The Agaran Menace! - Story about a group of Hylotl adventurers and their encounter with Agarans. Link to forum thread for players to document their encounters with Agarans.
- Universe Destroyed, Returns with Improvements - There was a game wipe of characters, ships and worlds. This is the last intended wipe for ships/characters, but there may be future wipes for worlds.
- Inventors Spotlight
- Okea Kiosk - Adds hundreds of new pieces of furniture, over 230 unique objects!
- Bees! - Allows players to keep bees, harvest honey and fight giant bees!
- XS Corporation Mechs - Enhanced Mechs with new abilities and new appearances.
- Ask the Editors
January - Happy New Year!
Read the full newsletter here- Year in review and happy new year!
- Modding Spotlight - Mods review
- Fully Customizable Ship - Lets players build a custom ship design using blocks. Alternatively Per Aspera Ad Astera offers an alternative system for custom ships.
- Tabula Rasa - Offers a unified crafting bench for modded content, making it easy for modders to add things and centralizing access.
- Creative Mode - Offers access to almost all game items and objects, allowing easier building without having to gather materials. Also offers some custom 'god mode' items.
- Industrialization - Allows crafting of complex machines and expanded craftables.
- Community Spotlight
- Guides Master Thread - Listing of the most helpful Starbound guides available.
- Master List of Fixes - Player made list of known bugs and fixes
- Epilepsy Setting Mod - Mod toning down the flashing graphics in space travel made for a player who posted about it as a concern.
- nightblue's Sketch Pad - User nightblue has contibuted a number of drawing other's characters! Requests are on hold now, but check out her amazing work.
- "Are You Starbound" series - Continuation of player made text adventure game set in the Starbound universe.
December - Beta Available!
Read the full newsletter here- Beta official release date - 4th December!
- Bonus - human mech in action!
November - Adding Status Effects!
Read the full newsletter here- Adding Status effects! - An explanation of how status effects can be tied to consumables, and how the code for them can be modified.
- Big Ape and the Beanstalk - An Apex lore fable by Ashton Raze.
- Bonus - Dancebound Arcade!
October - September Wrap-Up!
Read the full newsletter here- September Wrap-Up! - Development discussion for the past month. Work was done on Biomes and mini-biomes, dungeons, villages, monsters and villager AI. The grappling hook tool was polished up, and tier progression was implemented.
- Beta, Release and 2013 - Quick explanation addressing the recent forum discussions of beta vs full release date. Originally the pre-order stated full release would be by year end 2013, due to unforeseen development hurdles the full release must be pushed back, but the beta is still slated for 2013!
- Community Spotlight - Fan art by daemonstar and WakeskaterX. WakeskaterX made some detailed pixel art of Navakids, Florans and Hylotl, and daemonstar did some digital paintings of characters made through the character creator.
- Bonus - Random Monster!
September - Insomnia Gaming Festival
Read the full newsletter here- Insomnia Gaming Festival - Overview of Insomnia Game Festival. There were some streams from the weekend and the team got to meet a lot of fans as well as provide a demo for public playtesting.
- What's up in September - Status update on development, right now they've got all the puzzle pieces and are putting the puzzle together. Also, shared an image of the first tier boss, Penguin UFO
- Fan Art - 'An Anti-Grav Geographic Original' fan comic about mini-pets by Pflute
- Bonus! - Purple bat thing
August - A Month's Worth of Development
Read the full newsletter here- A Month's Worth of Development - Update on the July's development progress. Quests, instruments, bosses, mini-biomes were all added. Player progression was setup, as well as combat tweaking and soundtrack implementation.
- Chucklefish @ Insomnia Festival - The Chucklefish team is going to be sharing Starbound at the Insomnia Mincraft Expo UK from Aug 23-26.
- Starbound ABC Music Guide - User Lateo made a thread with great instructions for converting files to ABC Notation, the format used by the game's instrument music system.
July - Lots of Lore
Read the full newsletter here- Race specific Object descriptions - Tiy's been working on making a unique description for each different race when they examine an object. It will make grouping with players of other races more interesting and fun!
- Ask us Anything - The dev team has opened an 'AMA' thread on the forums that they'll unlock and respond to questions from the community, then lock again when they're not available.
- Fan Art - Floran Huntress by WackyWocky and spotlight on -s3ro-'s fan art thread
- Cross-Pollination - A comic featuring Floran 'dancing' by MuseTrigger
- Bonus! - eyeball fishy.
June - Intro Cinematics
Read the full newsletter here- Intro Cinematic - Each race will have a different intro cinematic that gives a background story as to why they've been forced to leave. They'll be comic style and have voice-overs.
- Space Cakes! - Preview of cooking. Each race will start with unique recipes, players call learn other races recipes later. Overview of cooking categories and announcement that all food is placeable as decoration.
- Fan Art - Gangster style Starbound races wallpaper by Bietol, and a digital painting of a Floran by Shardival.
- Short-Term Memory Loss - A comic featuring Novakids by PFlute and Mhindman.
- Bonus! - Rho's Floran respawn animation.
May - Crashing E3 Edition
Read the full newsletter here- Starter Ships - The final version of the first six races starter ships are announced, with screenshots!
- Indies Crash E3 - Promotion of Starbounds nomination for 'Indies Crash E3', a contest that would send the top nominated game's development team to E3.
- Reader Letters
- New Music - Links to some new Starbound soundtrack songs.
- Thank You! - Thanks from Chucklefish for passing the $1,000,000 preorder mark.
April - Roadmap to Beta Edition
Read the full newsletter here- Pre-Orders Announced - The store page officially launched with this newsletter.
- Roadmap - The development roadmap is showcased
- Community Spotlight - Showcasing the fan newsletter 'Vector Squared', and the Weekly Monster Fan Art forum thread.
- The Lusty Avian Maid - An excerpt from an Avian themed play, written by demanrisu.
March - First Edition! So shiny + new!
Read the full newsletter here- Armor Modifications - Details about the armor modification system, with an example of Avian glide armor.
- History, Lore, and Music - Details of the player log, which will record lore in game. Publication of an internal Avian Lore pdf the team uses and a link to the game soundtrack.
- Reader Letters
- Comic - Comic about the newsletter by Endling.