Ember Coral (4)

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Large Capsule Icon.png
Ember Coral
Ember Coral4.png

A crispy coral shrub.

Unobtainable Object

Ember Coral (4) is an object unobtainable by players through normal means. This item's information is present in the game files, but not intended by developers to be in players' possession.

Ember Coral is a breakable object found in Oceans. It drops ember coral fragments when destroyed.

Racial Descriptions

Apex Icon.png Apex : Coral with a golden glow.
Avian Icon.png Avian : A bight and lovely piece of coral.
Floran Icon.png Floran : Crissspy.
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Greedy. A golden coral shrub.
Human Icon.png Human : I wonder if this coral is hot to be glowing like that.
Hylotl Icon.png Hylotl : One of many beautiful coral species.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : There's gold in them there oceans.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem embercoral4
File Name embercoral4.object
File Path assets\objects\biome\coralcave\embercoral4