Our Lost Wings

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Our Lost Wings
Our Lost Wings.png
A think piece from the grounded Avian newspaper The Morning Chorus.
common Pixels-Sell.png 25

Our Lost Wings is a codex found in Avian dungeons and villages.


Our Lost Wings
Avians of the Kluex faith hold a peculiar religious belief that our kind once had wings capable of flight, much like non-sentient birds. It is a curious thought, one likely born of idealism rather than historical fact. From a biological standpoint, it is not unthinkable that our arms could have evolved from the wings of our ancestors, but not without the passage of a million or more years. It is a curious thought indeed.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem avianhistory6-codex
File Name avianhistory6.codex
File Path assets\codex\avian