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Wiki Page Ruin Rune

File Details

File Name alpacaruinrune.object
File Path assets\objects\alpaca\alpacaruinrune
inventoryIcon icon.png

Data Values

Key Value

objectName alpacaruinrune
rarity Common
category decorative
price 20
race generic
description An ancient rune that is the symbol of ruin.
shortdescription Ruin Rune
apexDescription It's an ancient rune that means ruin. It is curious that a spiral would mean such a thing.
avianDescription An ancient rune similar to some of our own. This one means ruin.
floranDescription Ancient runesss... this means ruin.
glitchDescription Attentive. An old rune that signifies ruin and decay.
humanDescription This is an old rune that means ruin. How ominous.
hylotlDescription An old stone rune meaning ruin - reminding us all that the slow tide of time consumes all things.
novakidDescription It's an ancient rune that signifies ruin.
tags pretty