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Wiki Page Apex Scientist Statue

File Details

File Name apexstatue.object
File Path assets\objects\apex\apexstatue
inventoryIcon apexstatueicon.png

Data Values

Key Value

objectName apexstatue
rarity Common
category decorative
price 100
race apex
description This seems to be a scientist that 'gave his body to science'.
shortdescription Apex Scientist Statue
apexDescription This scientist died attempting to alter his genes. He's used as an example to all other Apex. The Miniknog says it's the highest honour any Apex can achieve.
avianDescription A scientist. The Stargazers would often warn us of the dangers inherent to science.
floranDescription Ssilly Apex give body to science, ssuch a wassste of good meat.
glitchDescription Questioning. The scientist 'gave his body to science'. Perhaps he had no choice?
humanDescription Apparently this guy gave his body to his cause. Noble or stupid?
hylotlDescription Self sacrifice is honoured by the Hylotl, but only if the cause is good.
novakidDescription A statue of someone who sacrificed their life. Was it willingly?
tags apex, apexvillage, pretty, valuable