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Wiki Page Water Fountain

File Details

File Name classicfountain.object
File Path assets\objects\apex\classicfountain
inventoryIcon classicfountainicon.png
Sound Effect /sfx/objects/fountain1.ogg

Data Values

Key Value

objectName classicfountain
rarity Common
category decorative
price 150
race apex
description An ornate fountain - much of the water appears to be wasted.
shortdescription Water Fountain
apexDescription The water from this fountain tastes... cleaner than the water pumped into Apex homes.
avianDescription Bless my feathers, at last, a bath!
floranDescription Floran love water, water iss giver of growth and life.
glitchDescription Curious. Scans show this water is entirely pure.
humanDescription Where does all the water come from? It doesn't look recollected.
hylotlDescription The water here is not collected or reused, such waste is monstrous.
novakidDescription Nice place to stop for a spell and have a drink.
tags apex, apexmansion, pretty, valuable