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Article Page
Wiki Page | Carved Security Panel |
File Details
File Name | consoletribalwall.object |
File Path | assets\objects\avian\consoletribalwall |
inventoryIcon | consoletribalwallicon.png |
Data Values
Key | Value
objectName | consoletribalwall |
rarity | Common |
category | decorative |
price | 50 |
race | avian |
Descriptions | |
description | A small security panel. |
shortdescription | Carved Security Panel |
apexDescription | This access panel contains technology I don't understand. |
avianDescription | These panels send crystal vibrations to other crystal devices. |
floranDescription | Ssstrange birdman technology. The Floran would love to devour. |
glitchDescription | Mystified. This technology is new even to my creator. The crystals within seem capable of generating electrical current for compatibility. |
humanDescription | It looks like some kind of access panel. It doesn't seem to require a power source. |
hylotlDescription | Such beautiful technology. I can feel it thrum beneath my touch. |
novakidDescription | Those are some pretty shiny lights and buttons. |
tags | avian, aviantemple, electronic |