From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
Article Page
Wiki Page | Eye Table |
File Details
File Name | eyetable.object |
File Path | assets\objects\biome\eyepatch\eyetable |
inventoryIcon | eyetableicon.png |
Data Values
Key | Value
objectName | eyetable |
rarity | Common |
category | furniture |
price | 105 |
race | generic |
printable | False |
Descriptions | |
description | An eye table. Not good for people wearing skirts. |
shortdescription | Eye Table |
apexDescription | I don't like the idea of a table that can study my feet. |
avianDescription | Sitting here to eat would leave one entirely on edge. |
floranDescription | Floran sssit under table and ssshare meat with eye. |
glitchDescription | Observant. This eyeball seems to allow the table to rotate. Perhaps to share side dishes? |
humanDescription | This creepy table would be perfect at any Halloween party. |
hylotlDescription | An overly decorated table. The eye adds nothing. The craftsman got carried away. |
novakidDescription | These eyes are bigger than my belly. |
tags | eyepatch, odd |