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File Details

File Name frontierpainting2.object
File Path assets\objects\novakid\frontierpainting2
inventoryIcon frontierpainting2icon.png

Data Values

Key Value

objectName frontierpainting2
rarity Rare
category decorative
price 800
race novakid
description A strange painting of a pulled wagon.
shortdescription Frontier Wagon Painting
apexDescription This painting appears to be a green wagon pulled by an animal. I don't get it.
avianDescription I'm not quite sure what this painting is meant to represent.
floranDescription Floran doesssn't get picture.
glitchDescription Confused. I'm not quite sure why this painting is green.
humanDescription This appears to be a painting of a wagon, except it is green. I don't get it.
hylotlDescription I can't discern the meaning of this curious painting.
novakidDescription This is a mighty odd paintin', I'll give you that.
tags novakid, novakidvillage, pretty