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Wiki Page Kluex Winged Statue

File Details

File Name kluexstatue1.object
File Path assets\objects\clues\avian\kluexstatue1
inventoryIcon kluexstatue1icon.png

Data Values

Key Value

objectName kluexstatue1
rarity Rare
category decorative
price 500
race avian
printable False
description A statue honouring the history of the Avian god Kluex.
shortdescription Kluex Winged Statue
apexDescription This statue has inscriptions about the history of Kluex.
avianDescription The base of this statue has a written history on Kluex and us Avian.
floranDescription Sstatue hass writing and ssstuff.
glitchDescription Inspired. The statue's base details the grand history of this winged Avian deity.
humanDescription The base of this statue seems to detail the history of the Avian god Kluex.
hylotlDescription The writing on the base of this statue describes the history of the Avian god Kluex.
novakidDescription This 'ol' statue has a lotta useful information.
tags avian, aviantemple