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Wiki Page Neon Hologram

File Details

File Name neonhologram.object
File Path assets\objects\neon\neonhologram
inventoryIcon neonhologramicon.png
Sound Effect /sfx/objects/bunkerconsole.ogg

Data Values

Key Value

objectName neonhologram
rarity Uncommon
category wire
price 250
race generic

description A magenta hologram of a palm tree.
shortdescription Neon Hologram
apexDescription This is an impressively rendered tree... But it's unfortunate that holograms can only be a single colour.
avianDescription A tree that hangs in the air, a formation of light frozen in space! How wonderful.
floranDescription Floran seesss a tree, but cannot smell it. Sssuspicious.
glitchDescription Impressed. This tree is made of light, but it has such a sense of presence...
humanDescription Holographic trees! Who needs to go on a beachside getaway?
hylotlDescription Artificial depictions of nature are no match for the real thing.
novakidDescription This is a mighty neat invention!
tags neon, light