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Wiki Page Persistence of Pixels

File Details

File Name persistenceofpixels.object
File Path assets\objects\arttrophies\persistenceofpixels
inventoryIcon persistenceofpixelsicon.png

Data Values

Key Value

objectName persistenceofpixels
rarity Rare
category decorative
price 900
race glitch
printable False
description A bit of Glitch surrealism.
shortdescription Persistence of Pixels
apexDescription A strange painting. It looks like it depicts the death of time itself.
avianDescription It seems to depict a selection of melting Glitch time readers.
floranDescription Floran not undersstand sstrange painting.
glitchDescription Deductive. I believe the Glitch are aware of their situation in some subconscious way. Perhaps that awareness is how this painting came to be.
humanDescription Melting clocks. Why would the Glitch paint this?
hylotlDescription A surreal piece of art. If only one could question the artist.
novakidDescription Must've been some scorcher to melt those clocks.
tags human, pretty, valuable