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Wiki Page Poison Fluffalo Egg

File Details

File Name poisonfluffaloegg.object
File Path assets\objects\farmables\eggs\fluffaloegg
inventoryIcon poisonfluffaloegg.png:idle.1

Data Values

Key Value

objectName poisonfluffaloegg
rarity Rare
category farmBeastEgg
price 2500
race generic
printable False
description Hatches into a vulnerable poison fluffalo calf - a good source of venom samples once fully grown.
shortdescription Poison Fluffalo Egg
apexDescription A 'poison fluffalo egg'. Neither the egg, nor the fluffalo inside will poison you.
avianDescription This is a poison fluffalo egg. Poison fluffalo are a lot friendlier than they sound.
floranDescription Big poison fluffalo egg with little poison fluffalo inside.
glitchDescription Enchanted. I hope the little poison fluffalo calf hatches soon.
humanDescription A poisonous egg! Oh wait... A poison fluffalo egg. That's much nicer.
hylotlDescription This extraordinarily bright egg will hatch into a poison fluffalo.
novakidDescription It's a poison fluffalo egg. Ain't poisonous though, just got a big ol' critter inside.