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Wiki Page Protectorate Garden Bushes

File Details

File Name protectorategardentree.object
File Path assets\objects\protectorate\objects\protectorategardentree
inventoryIcon protectorategardentreeicon.png

Data Values

Key Value

objectName protectorategardentree
rarity Common
category decorative
price 50
race protectorate
printable False
description Protectorate Garden Bushes.
shortdescription Protectorate Garden Bushes
apexDescription The big tree. Its trunk is big and solid. I wonder what will happen when it outgrows this platform.
avianDescription This big tree is precious to the Protectorate. I heard it's as old as the academy.
floranDescription Big tree isss old and wise. Floran wishess to grow as old and wise as tree.
glitchDescription Impressed. This tree is as old as the academy.
humanDescription The Protectorate tree. It's known as just "the Tree".
hylotlDescription The blossom is brighter and more beautiful this year than I've ever seen it.
novakidDescription The big ol' tree is said to be as old as the academy itself.