From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
Article Page
Wiki Page | Solar Panel |
File Details
File Name | solarpanel.object |
File Path | assets\objects\space\solarpanel |
inventoryIcon | solarpanelicon.png |
Data Values
Key | Value
objectName | solarpanel |
rarity | Uncommon |
category | wire |
price | 200 |
race | generic |
printable | False |
Descriptions | |
description | A panel that generates electricity from solar energy. |
shortdescription | Solar Panel |
apexDescription | This photovoltaic panel generates electricity as it absorbs solar light. |
avianDescription | This panel draws in energy from the stars to generate power! |
floranDescription | Panel createsss energy from sssunlight. Floran can relate. |
glitchDescription | Impressed. This panel absorbs light to create power. If only I was engineered to do this... |
humanDescription | This solar panel creates energy from light. Ancient humans were pretty fond of them, I hear. |
hylotlDescription | This solar panel generates clean energy from the sun. I imagine it wouldn't be so useful underwater. |
novakidDescription | This generates power from solar light? I could earn a tidy livin' just sittin' on it. |
tags | space, wired |