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Article Page
Wiki Page | Tar Door |
File Details
File Name | tardoor.object |
File Path | assets\objects\biome\tar\tardoor |
inventoryIcon | icon.png |
Large Image | tardoor.png:right |
Data Values
Key | Value
objectName | tardoor |
rarity | Common |
category | door |
price | 60 |
race | generic |
printable | False |
Descriptions | |
description | A tar door. |
shortdescription | Tar Door |
tooltipKind | door |
apexDescription | Just a door, only made from tar. |
avianDescription | A normal looking door, but quite a feat of tar engineering. |
floranDescription | Sssticky and ssslow to open. No good. |
glitchDescription | Disapproving. A door made of tar could become stuck at any moment. |
humanDescription | Fairly sturdy for a tar door. |
hylotlDescription | A cascade of tar has been formed into a door. |
novakidDescription | It seems to be a door made from dried tar. But it's still pretty sticky. |
tags | tar, odd, door |