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Article Page
Wiki Page | Kitchen Counter |
File Details
File Name | woodencookingtable.object |
File Path | assets\objects\crafting\woodencookingtable |
inventoryIcon | woodencookingtableicon.png |
Data Values
Key | Value
objectName | woodencookingtable |
rarity | Uncommon |
category | crafting |
price | 100 |
race | generic |
printable | False |
Descriptions | |
description | Used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects. |
shortdescription | ^orange;Kitchen Counter^white; |
apexDescription | This table contains everything one could need to create almost any dish. |
avianDescription | Almost any Avian dish could be prepared here. And many non-Avian dishes too, for that matter! |
floranDescription | Floran prepare food with bare handsss. But table also ussseful. |
glitchDescription | Inspired. Let's create food! |
humanDescription | A chef's table. A whole bunch of different implements for making food. |
hylotlDescription | Food preparation is an art and this is the paintbrush. |
novakidDescription | I could cook up a storm on this 'ere thing. |
tags | cooking |