Lunar Base Platform

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Lunar Base Platform Icon.png
Lunar Base Platform
Lunar Base Platform.png
Lunar Base Platform Sample.png

A well-constructed metal platform.

INGREDIENTS (makes 50)

Lunar Base Platform is a construction platform found in many space-oriented locations, such as the Erchius Mining Facility, NPC ships, NPC space stations, and anomalies. While nearly all instances are found in shielded environments, a few of the anomalies featuring mining asteroids are not shielded. Perhaps the easiest way to obtain this block is to purchase or travel to a player-owned space station, where they are mineable. Once picked up, the player learns the recipe to craft it.


Lunar Base Platform Icon.png Lunar Base Platform
Unlocks Recipes
Lunar Base Platform Icon.png Lunar Base Platform

Racial Descriptions

Floran Icon.png Floran : Floran disslike cold metal platformss.
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Confident. This metal platform can support great weight.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : A shiny lookin' platform.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem lunarbaseplatform
File Name lunarbaseplatform.matitem
File Path assets\items\materials