Yellow Glow Rock

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Yellow Glow Rock Icon.png
Yellow Glow Rock
Yellow Glow Rock.png
Yellow Glow Rock Sample.png

This rock is glowing with bioluminescence.

Yellow Glow Rock is a natural block found in Bioluminescence mini biomes on Snow planets.

It is unique because it is one of very few blocks available in game that emits light.
Yellow and Blue Glow Rocks glowing

Racial Descriptions

Floran Icon.png Floran : Floran likess yellow glowing rockss.
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Curious. Microscopic bacteria in this rock are glowing a faint yellow.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : This rock is glowin' yellow but not givin' off any heat.


  • Cheerful Giraffe: Changed name from 'Yellow Bioluminescent Rock' to 'Yellow Glow Rock'


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem biorock
File Name biorock.matitem
File Path assets\items\materials