Pile of Eyes

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Pile of Eyes Icon.png
Pile of Eyes
Pile of Eyes.png
Pile of Eyes Sample.png

A pile of eyes. To say I feel watched is an understatement.

INGREDIENTS (makes 10)

Pile of Eyes is a natural block appearing in Eyepatch minibiome. It is one of the few block types that are affected by gravity. It can also be crafted from Oculemon. After harvesting or looting Oculemon for the first time players will automatically learn the recipe for it. Crafting the whole furniture set needs 170 of it.


Pile of Eyes Icon.png Pile of Eyes
Unlocks Recipes
Pile of Eyes Icon.png Pile of Eyes

Ingredient for

Eye Bed Icon.png Eye Bed 50
Eye Chair Icon.png Eye Chair 20
Eye Chest Icon.png Eye Chest 20
Eye Door Icon.png Eye Door 30
Eye Table Icon.png Eye Table 50

Racial Descriptions

Floran Icon.png Floran : Ssquisshy eyess!
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Reflective. Other than those on top of the pile, most of these eyes will only ever know darkness.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : Some of these eyes are lookin' right at me.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem eyepiles
File Name eyepiles.matitem
File Path assets\items\materials