Starbound has a wiring system that allows players to control the state of powered items including doors and lights. Players can use the system to set up buttons that open doors as well as complex circuits using logic gates.
Wire Mode, a Matter Manipulator upgrade, allows the player to switch to the wiring view, showing existing power connections and allowing the player to set up new ones.
Power sources
Various objects can serve as power sources for powered items including switches when toggled on, and logic gates. The simplest power source is an unpowered NOT gate.
Powered items
A number of items, such as doors or light sources, can be powered, resulting in a special effect or event based on the item type. For example, a ship's cockpit door can open and close based on a power input.
A door that has its input wired to a power source loses the ability to be opened manually. It is open when that power source is active and closed when that power source is off.[1]
The simplest powered item is the Bulb. It accepts one power input and has no power output of its own. It changes color from grey to blue when receiving power, making it useful for testing wiring setups, but apparently has no other use.
A switch provides power output when pressed or otherwise activated. Pressure plates are active when a player stands on them, buttons are active when pressed, light sensors are active when exposed to light, and proximity scanners are active when an entity is nearby. There are a variety of switch types based on Race and Tier, as well as some that match a specific theme. Known switch styles include:
Tiered Switches
Themed Switches
- Astro Console
- Doom Console
- Executive Console
- Foundry Console
- Foundry Switch
- Geometric Console
- Industrial Computer
- Industrial Display
- Lunar Base Console
- Office Computer
- Opulent Console
- Serene Console
- Station Console
- Tar Console
- Wave Console
Apex Switches
- Console Keyboard
- Great Banana Lock Statue (unobtainable)
- Research Terminal
Avian Switches
- Blue Hidden Switch
- Carved Bird Console
- Carved Egg Console
- Carved Flame Console
- Large Carved Console
- Yellow Hidden Switch
Floran Switches
Glitch Switches
- Sewer Valve
- Gem Switch
- Suspicious Display Armour
- Medieval Bookcase Switch
- Pressure Plate
- Grey Hidden Switch
- Switch Lever
- Wall Shackles (switch)
Human Switches
- Motion Detector (unobtainable)
- Fingerprint Scanner
- Eye Scanner
- Security Control Panel
Hylotl Switches
- Hi-Tech Console (unobtainable)
- Standard Lever (unobtainable)
Other Switches
- Proximity Scanner
- Light Sensor
- Liquid Sensor
- Big Red Button
- Boiler Valve
- Dark Computer
- Free Standing Console
- Neon Hologram
- Peacekeeper Computer
- Sharp Console
- Small Floor Button
- Small Wall Button
- Small Wall Switch
- Tiny Wall Button
- Tiny Wall Switch
- Trap Chest
- Wall Mounted Button
- Wall Mounted Keypad
A gate is a placeable object which accepts one or more input power connections, and provides one output power connection. The power output is based on the the gate type as well as the state of the input power.
When placed, gates appear in blue if their current power output is on, and grey if their current power output is off.
A Latch (or in this case, a D-Latch) accepts two inputs. Its power output matches that of input A as long as input B is positive (on). If input B is not on or turned off, the output state is held in whatever state it was previously on while input B was active. It will then automatically correct itself (if necessary) to whatever state input A is showing at the time input B is activated again.
NOT Switch
The NOT gate (also known as an Inverter) accepts one power input. Its power output is on if input power is off; otherwise, it is off.
OR Switch
The OR gate accepts two power inputs. Its power output is on if at least one input power is on; otherwise, it is off.
AND Switch
The AND gate accepts two power inputs. Its power output is on if both input powers are on; otherwise, it is off.
XOR Switch
The XOR gate accepts two power inputs. Its power output is on if exactly one input power is off and the other is on; otherwise, it is off.
Timer (Half Second)
The timer accepts one power input. Its output alternates between on and off, changing once per 1/2 second interval. When its input is powered, its output halts in its current state.
Countdown Timer
When activated, the timer counts down at an interval between 1 to 5 before turning off. The countdown time can be adjusted by interacting with the switch or by chaining multiple timers together.
Delay Gate
This logic gate causes a signal passing through it to be delayed by a short time.