From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
Tags are identifying categories assigned to objects. They're hidden attributes and are not viewable in game.
Their primary purpose is to determine which tenants will spawn when using a Colony Deed. Each tenant is tied to a unique combination of object tags.
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Alien | No | Objects and furniture unique to alien biomes |
Alpine | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to alpine mini biomes |
Bioluminescence | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to bioluminescence mini biomes |
Bone | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to bones mini biomes |
Cell | No | Objects and furniture unique to cell cave mini biomes |
Colourful | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to colourful mini biomes |
Coral | No | Natural objects unique to ocean biomes |
Crystalline | No | Objects and furniture unique to crystal mini biomes |
Dark | No | Objects and furniture unique to midnight biomes |
Eyepatch | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to eyepatch mini biomes |
Flesh | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to flesh mini biomes |
Foundry | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to foundry biomes |
Frozenfire | No | Objects and furniture that are frozenfire themed |
Geode | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to geode mini biomes |
Giantflower | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to giant flower mini biomes |
Gnome | No | Objects and furniture unique to mini village mini biomes |
Heck | No | Objects and furniture unique to heck mini biomes |
Hive | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to hive mini biomes |
Hoard | No | Objects and furniture unique to treasure microdungeons |
Ice | No | Objects and furniture unique to ice biomes |
Jungle | No | Objects and furniture unique to jungle biomes |
Mushroompatch | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to mushroom patch mini biomes |
Naturalcave | No | Objects and furniture found in mine microdungeons |
Oasis | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to oasis mini biomes |
Ocean | No | Objects unique to ocean biomes |
Prism | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to prism mini biomes |
Rust | No | Objects and furniture unique to rust mini biomes |
Sandstone | No | Objects and furniture that are sandstone themed |
Scorched | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to decayed biomes |
Slime | No | Objects and furniture unique to slime cave mini biomes |
Spring | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to spring mini biomes |
Steamspring | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to steamspring mini biomes |
Stonecave | No | Objects and furniture unique to stone cave mini biomes |
Swamp | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to swamp mini biomes |
Tar | Yes | Objects and furniture unique to Tar or Tarpit biomes |
Toxic | No | Objects and furniture unique to toxic mini biomes |
Volcanic | No | Objects and furniture unique to volcanic biomes |
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Apexresearchlab | Yes | Objects and furniture found in Apex Research Labs |
Avianairship | Yes | Objects and furniture found in Avian Airships |
Aviantemple | Yes | Objects and furniture found in Avian Temples |
Aviantomb | Yes | Objects and furniture found in Avian Tombs |
Floranhuntinggrounds | Yes | Objects and furniture found in Floran Hunting Grounds |
Floranprison | No | Objects and furniture found in Floran prisons |
Glitchcastle | Yes | Objects and furniture found in Glitch Castles |
Glitchsewer | Yes | Objects and furniture found in Sewer Dungeons |
Humanbunker | Yes | Objects and furniture found in USCM Bunkers |
Humanprison | Yes | Objects and furniture found in USCM Prisons |
Lunarbase | Yes | Objects and furniture found in the Erchius Facility |
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Apexmansion | No | Objects and furniture found in Apex Apartments |
Apexvillage | No | Objects and furniture found in Apex Villages |
Avianvillage | No | Objects and furniture found in Avian Villages |
Floranvillage | No | Objects and furniture found in Floran Villages |
Glitchvillage | No | Objects and furniture found in Glitch Villages |
Humanvillage | No | Objects and furniture found in Human Villages |
Hylotloceancity | No | Objects and furniture found in Hylotl Cities |
Hylotlvillage | No | Objects and furniture found in Hylotl Villages |
Novakidvillage | No | Objects and furniture found in Novakid Villages |
Outpost | No | Objects and furniture found in the Outpost |
Tags for space objects added in update 1.3.0.
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Astro | Yes | Objects and furniture found in themed space encounters. |
Industrial | Yes | Objects and furniture found in themed space encounters. |
Space | Yes | Objects and furniture found in themed space encounters. |
Station | Yes | Objects and furniture found in themed space encounters. |
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Tier1 | No | Objects and furniture crafted using Iron Bars |
Tier2 | Yes | Objects and furniture crafted using Tungsten Bars |
Tier3 | Yes | Objects and furniture crafted using Titanium Bars |
Tier4 | Yes | Objects and furniture crafted using Durasteel Bars |
Tier5 | No | Objects and furniture formerly crafted using Refined Aegisalt |
Tier6 | No | Objects and furniture formerly crafted using Ferozium Compound |
Tier7 | No | Objects and furniture formerly crafted using Cerulium Compound |
Tier8 | No | Objects and furniture formerly crafted using Refined Violium |
Tier9 | No | Objects and furniture formerly crafted using Refined Ferozium |
Tier10 | No | Objects and furniture formerly crafted using Impervium Compound |
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Agaran | No | Agaran themed objects and furniture. |
Alpaca | No | Alpaca themed decorative objects. |
Ancient | No | Ancient themed objects. |
Apex | Yes | Apex themed objects and furniture. |
Avian | Yes | Avian themed objects and furniture. |
Floran | Yes | Floran themed objects and furniture. |
Fenerox | Yes | Fenerox themed objects and furniture. |
Glitch | Yes | Glitch themed objects and furniture. |
Human | Yes | Human themed objects and furniture. |
Hylotl | Yes | Hylotl themed objects and furniture. |
Novakid | Yes | Novakid themed objects and furniture. |
Themed Furniture
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Astronaut | Yes | Astronaut themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Cabin | Yes | Cabin themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Doom | No | Doom themed furniture awarded from tenant quests. |
Egyptian | Yes | Egyptian themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Executive | No | Executive themed furniture awarded from tenant quests. |
Farm | Yes | Farm themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Geometric | No | Geometric themed furniture awarded from tenant quests. |
Gothic | Yes | Gothic themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Island | Yes | Island themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Office | Yes | Office themed furniture found in microdungeons. |
Opulent | No | Opulent themed furniture awarded from tenant quests. |
Outdoor | No | Outdoor themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Pastel | Yes | Pastel themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Peacekeeper | Yes | Peacekeeper themed furniture sold at a Peacekeeper Store inside a high level Peacekeeper Station. |
Retroscifi | Yes | Retro-Sci Fi themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Saloon | Yes | Saloon themed furniture found in Novakid Villages. |
Sea | Yes | Sea themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Serene | No | Serene themed furniture awarded from tenant quests. |
Spooky | Yes | Spooky themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Steampunk | Yes | Steampunk themed furniture sold at Frögg Furnishing in the outpost |
Wave | No | Wave themed furniture awarded from tenant quests. |
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Combat | Yes | Objects tied to combat, armor and weapons |
Commerce | Yes | Shop themed objects and furniture |
Cooking | Yes | Cooking and kitchen themed objects and furniture |
Copper | No | Objects and furniture crafted from Copper Bars |
Crafting | No | Crafting station objects |
Cultist | No | Cultist themed objects |
Door | No | Door objects |
Electronic | Yes | Electronic objects and furniture such as computers, screens and consoles |
Evil | Yes | Torture devices, prison things, altars and other unsavory objects |
Explorer | No | Travel themed objects and furniture such as globes and maps |
Fossil | No | Fossil display case objects |
Knowledge | No | Library themed objects and furniture such as bookcases, maps and globes |
Light | No | Light source objects |
Mechanical | No | Mechanical themed objects and furniture such as boilers, pipes and valves |
Mining | No | Mining themed objects and furniture |
Misc | No | A variety of objects and furniture that otherwise have no tags |
Musical | No | Objects and furniture that make sounds when interacted with |
Nature | No | Natural themed objects and furniture |
Neon | No | Neon Peacekeeper themed objects |
Odd | Yes | A variety of unusual objects and furniture |
Pretty | Yes | Objects and furniture that are nice to look at |
Science | Yes | Laboratory objects and furniture |
Storage | Yes | Objects and furniture with storage slots |
Traveller | Yes | Objects that spawn tutorial tenants. |
Valuable | Yes | Expensive objects and furniture that are nice to look at |
Wired | Yes | Wired themed objects and furniture |
Wreck | No | Wrecked themed objects and furniture |
Tag | Tenants | Description |
Christmas | No | Christmas season themed objects |
Valentines | No | Valentine's themed objects |