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Tier4 is an object tag associated with objects and furniture crafted using Durasteel Bars. These objects are used for spawning Tier 4 Guard Tenants in combination with combat tagged objects.


Lvl Armor Race Required Object Types (Boxes) Rent Chances Rent Timeframe
Tier 4 Apex Tenant.png
Tier 4 Avian Tenant.png
Tier 4 Floran Tenant.png
Tier 4 Glitch Tenant.png
Tier 4 Human Tenant.png
Tier 4 Hylotl Tenant.png
Tier 4 Novakid Tenant.png
4 Tier 4 Specific* Durasteel (12), Combat (8), Racial (8) Villager 15 to 30 minutes
Random Durasteel (12), Combat (8) 20 to 30 minutes

* "Specific" under Race means that you can specify one of these races: Apex, Avian, Floran, Glitch, Human, Hylotl, Novakid. So "Racial (8)" means "Apex (8)" if you want an Apex tenant.


Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Durasteel Bed Icon.png Durasteel Bed Furniture 12 A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek. misctier4
Durasteel Chair Icon.png Durasteel Chair Furniture 7 A comfortable durasteel chair. misctier4
Durasteel Console Icon.png Durasteel Console Wire 6 A durasteel control console. Press all the buttons! wiredtier4
Durasteel Door Icon.png Durasteel Door Door 10 A secure durasteel door. doortier4
Durasteel Light Icon.png Durasteel Light Light Source 2 A glowing durasteel light. lighttier4
Durasteel Table Icon.png Durasteel Table Furniture 8 A solid Durasteel table. commercetier4
Durasteel Tech Chest Icon.png Durasteel Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier4