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Sandstone is an object tag. There are no tenants associated with this object tag.


Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Apex Sandstone Statue Icon.png Apex Sandstone Statue Decorative 10 An Apex statue. A perfect likeness. sandstonepretty
Avian Sandstone Statue Icon.png Avian Sandstone Statue Decorative 10 An Avian statue. Not likely to fly away. sandstonepretty
Floran Sandstone Statue Icon.png Floran Sandstone Statue Decorative 10 A statue of a Floran. Won't stab you... probably. sandstonepretty
Glitch Sandstone Statue Icon.png Glitch Sandstone Statue Decorative 10 A sandstone Glitch. It's not sentient. sandstonepretty
Human Sandstone Statue Icon.png Human Sandstone Statue Decorative 11 A statue of a human. Check out the hair. sandstonepretty
Hylotl Sandstone Statue Icon.png Hylotl Sandstone Statue Decorative 10 A statue of a Hylotl. Has the Innsmouth Look. sandstonepretty
Sandstone Bed Icon.png Sandstone Bed Furniture 14 A sandstone bed. Make sure you dust it off before use. sandstone
Sandstone Chair Icon.png Sandstone Chair Furniture 9 A sandstone chair. Crumbly. sandstone
Sandstone Chest Icon.png Sandstone Chest Storage 4 A chest of roughly hewn sandstone. sandstonestorage
Sandstone Door Icon.png Sandstone Door Door 5 A rough sandstone door. sandstonedoor
Sandstone Table Icon.png Sandstone Table Furniture 10 A sandstone table. Don't spill water on it. sandstonecommerce
Sandstone Torch Icon.png Sandstone Torch Light Source 2 This torch flickers softly. sandstonelight
Stone Worm Statue Icon.png Stone Worm Statue Decorative 14 A statue of a worm. But where's the hook? sandstonepretty