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Storage is an object tag generally associated with objects and furniture with storage slots. These objects are used for spawning Merchant Tenants in combination with commerce tagged objects.

Be aware that while most item-storage objects have the "Storage" Tag, not all do. Similarly, many objects under this Tag are not capable of storing items.


Name Type Race Required Object Types (Boxes) Rent Chances Rent Timeframe
Merchant Apex Tenant.png
Merchant Avian Tenant.png
Merchant Floran Tenant.png
Merchant Glitch Tenant.png
Merchant Human Tenant.png
Merchant Hylotl Tenant.png
Merchant Novakid Tenant.png
Merchant Merchant Specific* Racial (8), Storage (8), Commerce (8) Merchant 15 to 30 minutes
Random Storage (8), Commerce (8) 20 to 30 minutes

* "Specific" under Race means that you can specify one of these races: Apex, Avian, Floran, Glitch, Human, Hylotl, Novakid. So "Racial (8)" means "Apex (8)" if you want an Apex tenant.


Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Aegisalt Tech Chest Icon.png Aegisalt Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier5
Alien Chest Icon.png Alien Chest Storage 4 An alien chest. alienstorageodd
Ancient Chest Icon.png Ancient Chest Storage 8 An ancient chest of unknown origin. ancientstorage
Ancient Essence Chest Icon.png Ancient Essence Chest Storage 12 A fearsome ancient chest ornamented with a lidless eye. ancientstorage
Apex Ship Locker Icon.png Apex Ship Locker Storage A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you? apexstorage
Apex Storage Locker Icon.png Apex Storage Locker Storage 12 A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution. apexstorage
Arcade Prize Counter Icon.png Arcade Prize Counter Decorative 16 A glass case full of plushies and toys. hylotlhylotloceancitycommercestorage
Astro Cabinet Icon.png Astro Cabinet Storage 16 A modern metal cabinet with floor mounting brackets. astrostorage
Astro Crate Icon.png Astro Crate Storage 24 A large container specialized for space transport. astrostoragecommerce
Astro Storage Locker Icon.png Astro Storage Locker Storage 12 An astro panel storage locker. astrostorage
Avian Closet Icon.png Avian Closet Storage 20 The crystal on top of this closet appears to be broken. avianavianvillagestorage
Avian Ship Locker Icon.png Avian Ship Locker Storage A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you? avianstorage
Avian Storage Locker Icon.png Avian Storage Locker Storage 12 A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution. avianstorage
Basic Metal Desk Icon.png Basic Metal Desk Storage 10 A basic desk. outpoststoragecommerce
Basic Metal Locker Icon.png Basic Metal Locker Storage 30 A locker of unknown ownership. outpoststorage
Big Present Icon.png Big Present Storage 10 A festive pink box with a bow on top. christmasstorage
Blue Present Icon.png Blue Present Storage 4 A present! It's wrapped in blue paper with a gold ribbon! christmasstorage
Blue Wall Shelf Icon.png Blue Wall Shelf Decorative 4 A blue shelf used for displaying items. hylotlhylotloceancitycommercestorage
Bone Chest Icon.png Bone Chest Storage 4 A chest made of bone. Hopefully it's not filled with marrow. bonestorage
Broken Supply Cabinet Icon.png Broken Supply Cabinet Storage 20 Looks like it used to be filled with medical supplies - not any more. humanhumanprisonstorage
Card Index Icon.png Card Index Storage 15 A traditional index filled with cards. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Cardboard Box Icon.png Cardboard Box Storage 6 A simple cardboard box. storage
Carved Counter Icon.png Carved Counter Storage 6 A smooth cooking surface. avianavianvillagestorage
Carved Wall Cabinet Icon.png Carved Wall Cabinet Storage 6 Looks like a place you might store an eggcup... Do Avians eat eggs? avianavianvillagestorage
Cell Chest Icon.png Cell Chest Storage 4 A chest with a spherical lock. cellstorageodd
Cerulium Tech Chest Icon.png Cerulium Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier7
Chic Fridge Icon.png Chic Fridge Refrigerated Storage 12 A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats. outpostcookingstorage
Classic Bookcase Icon.png Classic Bookcase Decorative 20 A bookcase built to be filled with classic literature. apexapexmansionknowledgevaluablestorage
Classic Chest Icon.png Classic Chest Storage 4 A classy chest filled with classy treasure! apexapexmansionprettyvaluablestorage
Classic China Cabinet Icon.png Classic China Cabinet Decorative 15 The reason you don't play ball in the house. apexapexmansionvaluableprettystorage
Classic Cupboard Icon.png Classic Cupboard Storage 20 A large classy storage cabinet. apexapexmansionprettyvaluablestorage
Classic Desk Icon.png Classic Desk Furniture 10 The sort of desk that's used exclusively for making important decisions. apexapexmansionprettyvaluablecommercestorage
Classic Desk (Hylotl) Icon.png Classic Desk (Hylotl) Storage 12 A classic style desk. hylotlhylotlvillagestoragecommerce
Cool Bookcase Icon.png Cool Bookcase Storage 20 It should be stocked full of science journals and lab reports. apexapexresearchlabknowledgestorage
Cool Chemical Shelf Icon.png Cool Chemical Shelf Decorative 36 It seems irresponsible to leave a bunch of unlabelled chemicals unattended. apexapexresearchlabstoragescience
Cool Cupboard Icon.png Cool Cupboard Storage 20 This cupboard is sleek, but it doesn't look sturdy. apexapexresearchlabstorage
Cool Desk Icon.png Cool Desk Furniture 10 This desk is sleek, looks solid. apexapexresearchlabstoragecommerce
Cool Empty Shelf Icon.png Cool Empty Shelf Decorative 36 There's nothing of interest on this shelf. apexapexresearchlabstorage
Copper Crate Icon.png Copper Crate Storage 6 A strong storage crate made from copper. copperstoragecommerce
Crystal Chest Icon.png Crystal Chest Storage 4 A crystal chest. Perhaps the chest itself is the treasure? crystallinestorage
Cultist Chest Icon.png Cultist Chest Storage 8 A metal chest with a glowing eye emblem on it. cultiststorage
Damaged Bookcase Icon.png Damaged Bookcase Decorative 1 A ornate bookcase with missing books hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Damaged Grand Bookcase Icon.png Damaged Grand Bookcase Decorative 1 A large bookcase that has been damaged. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Damaged Huge Bookcase Icon.png Damaged Huge Bookcase Decorative 1 A gigantic bookcase that is damaged. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Damaged Large Bookcase Icon.png Damaged Large Bookcase Decorative 1 A big antique bookcase that has been damaged. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Damaged Small Bookcase Icon.png Damaged Small Bookcase Decorative 1 A small bookcase that has been damaged. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Decayed Chest Icon.png Decayed Chest Storage 4 A battered, decayed looking chest. scorchedstorage
Decorative Chest Icon.png Decorative Chest Storage 4 A chest adorned with ancient Avian art. avianaviantombstorage
Deprived Bookcase Icon.png Deprived Bookcase Decorative 70 A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Double Wall Cabinet Icon.png Double Wall Cabinet Storage 8 A sturdy suspended cabinet. storage
Double Wooden Cabinet Icon.png Double Wooden Cabinet Storage 8 A sturdy wooden cabinet. storage
Dumpster Icon.png Dumpster Storage 24 A dumpster. storage
Durasteel Tech Chest Icon.png Durasteel Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier4
Empty Shelf Icon.png Empty Shelf Decorative 20 An empty shelving rack. floranfloranprisonstorage
Eye Chest Icon.png Eye Chest Storage 4 A chest sealed with a piercing eye. Worth a look inside. eyepatchoddstorage
Ferozium Tech Chest Icon.png Ferozium Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier6
Filing Cabinet Icon.png Filing Cabinet Storage 4 A filing cabinet. Sorted. outpoststorage
Flat Locker Icon.png Flat Locker Storage 2 A locker with a wide metal door. storage
Flesh Chest Icon.png Flesh Chest Storage 4 A squishy, fleshy chest. To store things in. fleshoddstorage
Floran Ship Locker Icon.png Floran Ship Locker Storage A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you? floranstorage
Floran Storage Locker Icon.png Floran Storage Locker Storage 12 A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution. floranstorage
Frontier Vault Icon.png Frontier Vault Storage 24 A huge ornate vault safe. novakidnovakidvillagestorage
Full-Size Fridge Icon.png Full-Size Fridge Refrigerated Storage 12 Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh. humanhumanvillagecookingstorage
Giant Flower Chest Icon.png Giant Flower Chest Storage 4 A chest made of flowers. giantflowernaturestorage
Glitch Ship Locker Icon.png Glitch Ship Locker Storage A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you? glitchstorage
Glitch Storage Locker Icon.png Glitch Storage Locker Storage 12 A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution. glitchstorage
Glow Chest Icon.png Glow Chest Storage 4 This chest appears organic in construction. bioluminescencestorage
Gothic Bookcase Icon.png Gothic Bookcase Storage 20 A morbid cabinet, for storing books and other things. gothicstorage
Grand Ornate Bookcase Icon.png Grand Ornate Bookcase Decorative 168 A large antique bookcase. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Green Present Icon.png Green Present Storage 4 A present! It's wrapped in green-coloured paper with a gold ribbon! christmasstorage
Gun Chest Icon.png Gun Chest Storage 8 A hi-tech container for guns. storagecombat
Handled Wicker Basket Icon.png Handled Wicker Basket Breakable 4 A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside! glitchglitchvillagestorage
Heck Chest Icon.png Heck Chest Storage 4 A chest made of flesh. heckoddstorage
Hi-Tech Chest (Blue) Icon.png Hi-Tech Chest (Blue) Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storage
Hi-Tech Chest (Green) Icon.png Hi-Tech Chest (Green) Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storage
Hive Chest Icon.png Hive Chest Storage 4 A really gross looking chest. hivestorage
Huge Ornate Bookcase Icon.png Huge Ornate Bookcase Decorative 217 A gigantic bookcase filled with books. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Huge Primitive Cabinet Icon.png Huge Primitive Cabinet Storage 44 The cabinet made of leather stretched between four large tusks. floranfloranvillagestorage
Human Ship Locker Icon.png Human Ship Locker Storage 12 A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you? humanstorage
Human Storage Locker Icon.png Human Storage Locker Storage 12 A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution. humanstorage
Hylotl Ship Locker Icon.png Hylotl Ship Locker Storage 12 A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you? hylotlstorage
Hylotl Storage Locker Icon.png Hylotl Storage Locker Storage 12 A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution. hylotlstorage
Hylotl Store Shelf Icon.png Hylotl Store Shelf Decorative 20 The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods. hylotlhylotloceancitycommercestorage
Ice Chest Icon.png Ice Chest Storage 4 An ice chest. Totally secure, until it melts. icestorage
Ice Machine Icon.png Ice Machine Refrigerated Storage 15 An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby. icestorage
Ice Sphere Chest Icon.png Ice Sphere Chest Storage 4 A frozen, spherical chest. Perfect for treasure, or making ice cubes. icestorage
Impervium Tech Chest Icon.png Impervium Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier10
Industrial Canister Icon.png Industrial Canister Storage 8 A sealed metal canister, that might be used to store hazardous liquids. storageindustrial
Industrial Crate Icon.png Industrial Crate Storage 20 A pressurised cargo crate, designed to withstand the conditions of space travel. industrialstoragecommerce
Industrial Storage Locker Icon.png Industrial Storage Locker Storage 12 A wall mounted locker, complete with hazard stripes and a red light. industrialstorage
Iron Chest Icon.png Iron Chest Storage 4 A basic iron chest. storage
Iron Tech Chest Icon.png Iron Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier1
Island Cabinet Icon.png Island Cabinet Storage 14 A tropical looking cabinet, complete with a little tree. islandstorage
Kitchen Cabinet Icon.png Kitchen Cabinet Storage 8 A sturdy kitchen cabinet. farmstorage
Kitchen Shelf Icon.png Kitchen Shelf Decorative 10 A nice kitchen shelf that keeps spices handy. farmstoragecooking
Kitchen Wall Cabinet Icon.png Kitchen Wall Cabinet Storage 8 A wall-mounted kitchen cabinet. farmstorage
Laboratory Locker Icon.png Laboratory Locker Storage 4 A Miniknog locker. apexapexresearchlabstorage
Large Barrel Icon.png Large Barrel Storage 9 A barrel. Sadly not full party hats. storagecommerce
Large Cabinet Icon.png Large Cabinet Storage 8 A desk with large cabinet drawers. floranfloranprisonstorage
Large Carved Bookcase Icon.png Large Carved Bookcase Storage 20 Hand-made and beautiful, this bookcase is intricately carved. avianavianvillageknowledgestorage
Large Cooler Icon.png Large Cooler Refrigerated Storage 8 Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh. cookingstorage
Large Decorative Chest Icon.png Large Decorative Chest Storage 6 A chest adorned with ancient Avian art. avianaviantombstorage
Large Fossil Display Icon.png Large Fossil Display Decorative 170 A display stand for large fossils fossilvaluablestorage
Large Obsidian Bookcase Icon.png Large Obsidian Bookcase Decorative 20 A ornate obsidian bookcase. avianaviantombknowledgestorage
Large Old Chest Icon.png Large Old Chest Storage 6 A large old chest, fashioned from wood and iron. avianavianvillagestorage
Large Ornate Bookcase Icon.png Large Ornate Bookcase Decorative 119 A big antique bookcase. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Large Primitive Cabinet Icon.png Large Primitive Cabinet Storage 16 A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs. floranfloranvillagestorage
Large Primitive Chest Icon.png Large Primitive Chest Storage 6 A long chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable. floranfloranhuntinggroundsstorage
Large Shipping Container Icon.png Large Shipping Container Storage 90 A shipping container. Probably doesn't contain a ship. outpoststorage
Large Stylish Drawers Icon.png Large Stylish Drawers Storage 6 A large contemporary chest of drawers. scorchedstorage
Large Wicker Basket Icon.png Large Wicker Basket Breakable 4 A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside! glitchglitchvillagestorage
Large Wooden Crate Icon.png Large Wooden Crate Storage 12 A wooden crate. storagecommerce
Large Wooden Crate (open) Icon.png Large Wooden Crate (open) Storage 12 A mysterious wooden crate. naturalcavestoragecommerce
Lunar Base Crate Icon.png Lunar Base Crate Storage 15 A storage crate, typically used for stashing equipment and ores. humanlunarbasestorage
Lunar Base Lockers Icon.png Lunar Base Lockers Storage 25 A set of lockers, perfect for storing things. humanlunarbasestorage
Medieval Bookcase Icon.png Medieval Bookcase Storage 15 A bookcase for storing folk tales and legends... glitchglitchvillageknowledgestorage
Medieval Bookcase Switch Icon.png Medieval Bookcase Switch Wire 15 One of these books looks out of place... I wonder... glitchglitchvillageknowledgestoragewired
Medieval Cabinet Icon.png Medieval Cabinet Storage 15 A charming and well-made wooden cabinet. glitchglitchvillagestorage
Medieval Chest Icon.png Medieval Chest Storage 4 An old wooden chest, still going strong. glitchglitchvillagestorage
Medieval Desk Icon.png Medieval Desk Furniture 13 A nicely made wooden desk. glitchglitchvillagecommercestorage
Medieval Dresser Icon.png Medieval Dresser Storage 10 This dresser has a musty smell. It doesn't look very clean. glitchglitchvillagestorage
Medieval Shelf Icon.png Medieval Shelf Decorative 22 An old wooden shelf. glitchglitchvillagestorage
Medieval Wall Shelf Icon.png Medieval Wall Shelf Decorative 8 A wooden wall shelf for displaying trinkets. glitchglitchvillagestorage
Medium Fossil Display Icon.png Medium Fossil Display Decorative 24 A display stand for medium fossils fossilvaluablestorage
Metal Barrel Icon.png Metal Barrel Decorative 6 A generic metal barrel. It's sealed. humanhumanbunkerstorage
Metal Bookcase Icon.png Metal Bookcase Decorative 20 There's a book in here titled, 'How to Travel Backwards in Time for Dummies'. humanhumanbunkerknowledgestorage
Metal Cabinet Icon.png Metal Cabinet Storage 8 It looks like it's full of hazardous materials. humanhumanbunkerstorage
Metal Cabinet (Outpost) Icon.png Metal Cabinet (Outpost) Storage 6 A cabinet containing who knows what? outpoststorage
Metal Cargo Crate Icon.png Metal Cargo Crate Storage 12 A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows. outpoststoragecommerce
Metal Crate Icon.png Metal Crate Storage 6 A metal crate. humanhumanbunkerstoragecommerce
Metal Office Desk Icon.png Metal Office Desk Decorative 10 An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding. humanhumanbunkerelectronicstoragecommerce
Metal Store Shelf Icon.png Metal Store Shelf Storage 29 A metal shelf packed with store goods. scorchedstoragecommerce
Mini Fridge Icon.png Mini Fridge Refrigerated Storage 6 Ideal for storing food and keeping it fresh. storagecooking
Mining Chest Icon.png Mining Chest Storage 9 Perfect for storing tools and equipment in! humanlunarbasemechanicalstoragemining
Mining Skip Icon.png Mining Skip Decorative 28 A large metal Skip full of rubble. humanlunarbasestoragemining
Mining Supplies Crate Icon.png Mining Supplies Crate Storage 16 An old crate of Mining supplies - For every budding Miner! miningstorage
Mushroom Wardrobe Icon.png Mushroom Wardrobe Storage 16 A mushroom wardrobe. mushroompatchnaturestorage
Novakid Ship Locker Icon.png Novakid Ship Locker Storage 12 A locker. Store some stuff, why don't you? novakidstorage
Novakid Storage Locker Icon.png Novakid Storage Locker Storage 12 A nice, spacious, wall-mounted storage solution. novakidstorage
Office Cabinet Icon.png Office Cabinet Storage 15 A modern metal cabinet with floor mounting brackets. officestorage
Office Desk Icon.png Office Desk Storage 12 A simple desk made from wood and metal. officestoragecommerce
Old Chest Icon.png Old Chest Storage 4 A dank old chest, fashioned from wood and iron. avianavianvillagestorage
Open Cardboard Box Icon.png Open Cardboard Box Storage 9 An opened cardboard box. storage
Ornate Bookcase Icon.png Ornate Bookcase Decorative 70 A fairly big bookcase full of books. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Pastel Cabinet Icon.png Pastel Cabinet Storage 6 A small cabinet, painted in bright pastel colours. pastelstorage
Pastel Wardrobe Icon.png Pastel Wardrobe Storage 20 A marvellous pastel coloured wardrobe. pastelstorage
Primitive Bookcase Icon.png Primitive Bookcase Decorative 20 A bookcase made from the remains of Floran prey. floranfloranvillageknowledgestorage
Primitive Crate Icon.png Primitive Crate Storage 6 A storage crate made of unrefined wood and bone. floranfloranvillagestorage
Primitive Desk Icon.png Primitive Desk Furniture 8 A desk, probably belonging to the greenfinger of a Floran tribe. floranfloranvillagestoragecommerce
Primitive Shelf Icon.png Primitive Shelf Decorative 20 A wood and bone shelf used for storing supplies and keepsakes. floranfloranvillagestorage
Radioactive Barrel Icon.png Radioactive Barrel Breakable 6 A barrel full of radioactive material. humanhumanbunkerstorage
Radioactive Barrel (Tipped) Icon.png Radioactive Barrel (Tipped) Breakable 8 A barrel full of radioactive material. humanhumanbunkerstorage
Rainbow Chest Icon.png Rainbow Chest Storage 4 A chest decorated with beautiful rainbow markings. colourfulstorage
Rainbow Wood Chest Icon.png Rainbow Wood Chest Storage 4 A chest made of rainbow wood. colourfulstorage
Red Present Icon.png Red Present Storage 4 A present! It's wrapped in red paper with a gold ribbon! christmasstorage
Reed Chest Icon.png Reed Chest Storage 4 Reeds fashioned into a chest. oasisnaturestorage
Reed Desk Icon.png Reed Desk Furniture 8 A desk made of wood and reed. oasisnaturestoragecommerce
Reed Shelf Icon.png Reed Shelf Storage 20 A reed shelf. oasisknowledgestoragenature
Retro Cabinet Icon.png Retro Cabinet Storage 6 A small cabinet made in a retro-futuristic style. retroscifistorage
Retro Dresser Icon.png Retro Dresser Storage 14 A dresser made in a retro-futuristic style retroscifistorage
Rock Chest (Container) Icon.png Rock Chest (Container) Storage 4 A chest made of rock. stonecavestorage
Royal Bookcase Icon.png Royal Bookcase Decorative 15 A monarchs bookcase... let's find out what royalty reads. glitchglitchcastlevaluablestorageknowledge
Royal Cabinet Icon.png Royal Cabinet Storage 15 Valuable things should be stored here. glitchglitchcastlevaluablestorage
Royal Chest Icon.png Royal Chest Storage 4 This chest itself is a treasure, let alone the contents. glitchglitchcastlevaluablestorage
Royal Desk Icon.png Royal Desk Furniture 13 A fancy royal desk. glitchglitchcastlevaluablecommercestorage
Rubbish Bin Icon.png Rubbish Bin Storage 6 Trash. Just trash. Or is it? Answer: yes. outpoststorage
Rusty Chest Icon.png Rusty Chest Storage 4 A rusty chest. Practically falling apart. ruststorage
Rusty Crate Icon.png Rusty Crate Storage 12 A rusty crate. scorchedstoragecommerce
Rusty Filing Cabinet Icon.png Rusty Filing Cabinet Storage 12 There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet. humanhumanprisonstorage
Rusty Metal Store Shelf Icon.png Rusty Metal Store Shelf Storage 29 A rusty metal shelf, some store goods still remain on the shelves. scorchedstoragecommerce
Safe Icon.png Safe Storage 6 An small, sturdy iron safe. storagenovakidnovakidvillage
Saloon Cabinet Icon.png Saloon Cabinet Storage 35 A drinks cabinet, stocked with glassware and odd-shaped bottles. saloonstoragenovakidnovakidvillage
Sandstone Chest Icon.png Sandstone Chest Storage 4 A chest of roughly hewn sandstone. sandstonestorage
Scribe's Desk Icon.png Scribe's Desk Furniture 28 A wooden desk used by scribes. glitchglitchvillagecommercestorage
Secure Wooden Crate Icon.png Secure Wooden Crate Storage 6 A secured wooden crate. storage
Sewage Barrel Icon.png Sewage Barrel Decorative 6 A barrel of sewage. Almost certainly toxic. glitchglitchsewerstorage
Shadow Chest Icon.png Shadow Chest Storage 4 A dark, shadowy chest. darkstorage
Shelter Shelf Icon.png Shelter Shelf Storage 35 Everything you need to survive. Almost. scorchedstoragecommerce
Shipping Container Icon.png Shipping Container Storage 90 A very large shipping container. hylotlhylotloceancitystorage
Short Metal Cargo Crate Icon.png Short Metal Cargo Crate Storage 10 A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it. outpoststoragecommerce
Shroom Chest Icon.png Shroom Chest Storage 4 A mushroom fashioned into a chest. mushroompatchnaturestorage
Single Wall Cabinet Icon.png Single Wall Cabinet Storage 6 A sturdy suspended cabinet. storage
Slime Chest Icon.png Slime Chest Storage 4 A chest made of a thick slime substance. slimestorageodd
Small Avian Bookcase Icon.png Small Avian Bookcase Storage 19 This book case was built to store Avian history. avianavianvillageknowledgestorage
Small Barrel Icon.png Small Barrel Storage 4 A barrel. Anything could be inside! storagecommerce
Small Cabinet Icon.png Small Cabinet Storage 4 A small cabinet with a table top. floranfloranprisonstorage
Small Carved Cabinet Icon.png Small Carved Cabinet Storage 6 Carved patterns surround this small cabinet. avianavianvillagestorage
Small Deprived Bookcase Icon.png Small Deprived Bookcase Decorative 21 An ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Small Fossil Display Icon.png Small Fossil Display Decorative 21 A display stand for small fossils fossilvaluablestorage
Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet Icon.png Small Kitchen Wall Cabinet Storage 6 A small wall-mounted kitchen cabinet. farmstorage
Small Ornate Bookcase Icon.png Small Ornate Bookcase Decorative 21 An ornately carved bookcase. hylotlhylotlvillagestorageknowledge
Small Overgrown Chest Icon.png Small Overgrown Chest Storage 4 A chest made from plant material. It appears to be still growing. floranfloranprisonstorage
Small Primitive Cabinet Icon.png Small Primitive Cabinet Storage 12 A cabinet adorned with huge, sharp fangs. floranfloranvillagestorage
Small Primitive Chest Icon.png Small Primitive Chest Storage 4 A small chest, made from sticks. Its security is questionable. floranfloranhuntinggroundsstorage
Small Prison Locker Icon.png Small Prison Locker Storage 20 A good place to stash contraband. humanhumanprisonstorage
Small Rusty Crate Icon.png Small Rusty Crate Storage 6 A small rusty looking crate. scorchedstoragecommerce
Small Wicker Basket Icon.png Small Wicker Basket Breakable 1 A tiny basket made of wicker. glitchglitchvillagestorage
Small Wooden Crate Icon.png Small Wooden Crate Storage 6 A wooden crate. storagecommerce
Spring Chest Icon.png Spring Chest Storage 4 A chest with a spring flower latch. springnaturestorage
Standard Issue Cabinet Icon.png Standard Issue Cabinet Storage 8 A pair of standard issue kitchen cabinets. apexapexvillagestorage
Standard Issue Desk Icon.png Standard Issue Desk Furniture 12 Each of these desks has a coffee mug and lamp fused to its surface. apexapexvillagecommercestorage
Standard Issue Fridge Icon.png Standard Issue Fridge Refrigerated Storage 12 A fridge, good for keeping food cold. apexapexvillagestoragecooking
Standard Issue Shelves Icon.png Standard Issue Shelves Decorative 20 The shelves are empty. apexapexvillagestorage
Standard Issue Wardrobe Icon.png Standard Issue Wardrobe Storage 20 A very basic mass produced wardrobe. apexapexvillagestorage
Station Crate Icon.png Station Crate Storage 12 A shipping crate, designed to ship space goods. stationstoragecommerce
Steampunk Desk Icon.png Steampunk Desk Furniture 28 A metal desk, covered in curious devices. steampunkstoragescience
Steampunk Shelf Icon.png Steampunk Shelf Decorative 29 A set of shelves hung with pipes. steampunkstorage
Stone Chest Icon.png Stone Chest Storage 4 A treasure chest made of cobblestone. alpinestorage
Stylish Counter Icon.png Stylish Counter Storage 10 A clean looking counter. scorchedstorage
Stylish Fridge Icon.png Stylish Fridge Refrigerated Storage 12 A contemprary style fridge, capable of extending the shelf life of food. scorchedstorage
Swamp Chest Icon.png Swamp Chest Storage 4 A chest made from twigs and roots. storageswamp
Tall Kitchen Cabinet Icon.png Tall Kitchen Cabinet Storage 16 A tall, sturdy kitchen cabinet. Perfect for storing tableware and food. farmstorage
Tall Locker Icon.png Tall Locker Storage 2 A locker with a tall metal door. storage
Tall Prison Locker Icon.png Tall Prison Locker Storage 12 A good place to stash contraband. humanhumanprisonstorage
Tall Wicker Basket Icon.png Tall Wicker Basket Breakable 2 A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside! glitchglitchvillagestorage
Tall Wooden Cabinet Icon.png Tall Wooden Cabinet Storage 16 A sturdy wooden cabinet. storage
Tarpit Chest Icon.png Tarpit Chest Storage 4 Tar fashioned into a chest. taroddstorage
Teal Present Icon.png Teal Present Storage 4 A present! It's wrapped in teal paper with a gold ribbon! christmasstorage
Titanium Tech Chest Icon.png Titanium Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier3
Toxic Chest Icon.png Toxic Chest Storage 4 A toxic chest. toxicoddevilstorage
Toxic Waste Barrel Icon.png Toxic Waste Barrel Breakable 6 A toxic waste barrel. Don't spill any! glitchglitchsewerstorage
Traditional Bookcase Icon.png Traditional Bookcase Storage 20 A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful. hylotlhylotlvillageknowledgestorage
Traditional Square Cabinet Icon.png Traditional Square Cabinet Storage 12 A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration. hylotlhylotlvillagestorage
Traditional Wardrobe Icon.png Traditional Wardrobe Storage 20 The lily pad rotates to lock its doors. hylotlhylotlvillagestorage
Trash Bag Icon.png Trash Bag Storage 4 A trash bag. What a load of rubbish. glitchglitchsewerstorage
Trash Can (Glitch) Icon.png Trash Can (Glitch) Storage 4 A trash can. What a load of rubbish. glitchglitchsewerstorage
Treasure Barrel Icon.png Treasure Barrel Storage 12 A barrel filled with treasure! hoardstoragevaluable
Treasure Chest Icon.png Treasure Chest Storage 6 A treasure chest. hoardstoragevaluable
Treasure Filled Crate Icon.png Treasure Filled Crate Storage 9 A wooden crate filled with treasure. hoardstoragevaluable
Tungsten Tech Chest Icon.png Tungsten Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier2
Upright Cardboard Box Icon.png Upright Cardboard Box Storage 6 An upright cardboard box. storage
Urban Mailbox Icon.png Urban Mailbox Storage 6 A blue mailbox. hylotlhylotloceancitystorage
Urban Trash Can Icon.png Urban Trash Can Storage 4 A garbage bin. hylotlhylotloceancitystorage
Vine Chest Icon.png Vine Chest Storage 4 A chest made of vines, it's not really safe. junglestoragenature
Violium Tech Chest Icon.png Violium Tech Chest Storage 4 A chest with bright glowing markings throughout. storagetier8
Volcanic Chest Icon.png Volcanic Chest Storage 4 This sturdy chest is made from volcanic material. Heat rises from it. storagevolcanic
Wall Bookshelf Icon.png Wall Bookshelf Storage 8 A sturdy suspended bookshelf. knowledgestorage
Weapon Chest Icon.png Weapon Chest Storage 6 A heavy duty chest for storing weapons. storagecombat
Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet Icon.png Wide Rusty Filing Cabinet Storage 20 There were some office supplies and inmate files in this filing cabinet. humanhumanprisonstorage
Wide Wicker Basket Icon.png Wide Wicker Basket Breakable 2 A wicker basket. Maybe it's got cool stuff inside! glitchglitchvillagestorage
Wide Wooden Cabinet Icon.png Wide Wooden Cabinet Storage 8 A sturdy wooden cabinet. storage
Wooden Bookcase Icon.png Wooden Bookcase Storage 20 A tall wooden bookcase full of books. knowledgestorage
Wooden Chest Icon.png Wooden Chest Storage 4 A basic wooden chest. storage
Wooden Crate Icon.png Wooden Crate Storage 6 A small wooden crate. storage
Wooden Crate (small) Icon.png Wooden Crate (small) Storage 6 A mysterious wooden crate. naturalcavestoragecommerce
Wooden Desk Icon.png Wooden Desk Furniture 8 An expensive-looking wooden desk. storagecommerce
Wooden End Table Icon.png Wooden End Table Storage 6 A cute wooden end table. storage
Wooden Sink Icon.png Wooden Sink Decorative 10 A wooden cabinet with a sink installed. storage
Wooden Store Shelf Icon.png Wooden Store Shelf Storage 30 There are some items on this shelf. apexstoragecommerce
Wrecked Crate Icon.png Wrecked Crate Storage 6 A antique crate, I wonder what's inside.. wreckstorage
Wrecked Locker Icon.png Wrecked Locker Storage 8 An old locker. Hey! There's a photo taped to the inside... wreckstorage