Peacekeeper Store

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Peacekeeper Store Icon.png
Peacekeeper Store
Peacekeeper Store.gif

A store for Peacekeeper supplies.

Peacekeeper Store is a store found in Peacekeeper Stations. It sells unique items that are offered in exchange for Peace Credits.

As higher level stations are unlocked this store will upgrade, offering more items at higher ranks.

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (1)

Rank 1

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (1)

Rank 1

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (4)

Rank 1

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (5)

Rank 1
Stun Grenade Icon.png Stun Grenade (x3)

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (1)

Rank 1

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (8)

Rank 2

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (2)
Neo Magnum Icon.png Neo Magnum (1)

Rank 2

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (5)

Rank 2

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (2)

Rank 2

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (2)

Rank 2

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (15)

Rank 3

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (4)
Neo Magnum-E78 Icon.png Neo Magnum-E78 (1)

Rank 3

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (10)

Rank 3

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (15)

Rank 3

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (5)

Rank 3

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (20)

Rank 4

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (4)

Rank 4

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (12)

Rank 4

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (6)
Neo Magnum-RX Icon.png Neo Magnum-RX (1)

Rank 4

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (15)

Rank 4

Peace Credit Icon.png Peace Credit (20)

Rank 4

Racial Descriptions

Apex Icon.png Apex : It would be wise to peruse the contents of this supply store.
Avian Icon.png Avian : A fellow Avian, helping the local community! Such a delight.
Floran Icon.png Floran : Floran wantssss new stuff.
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Eager. I wonder what supplies this store has?
Human Icon.png Human : I am glad that scrolling neon signs never went out of fashion.
Hylotl Icon.png Hylotl : This assistant appears to offer supplies.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : This lady seems mighty helpful!


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem peacekeeperstore1
File Name peacekeeperstore1.object
File Path assets\objects\peacekeeper\peacekeeperstore