Matter Manipulator

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Matter Manipulator Icon.png
Matter Manipulator

Manipulates anything that matters. Quick select with [R] key.

Matter Manipulator is the first tool players obtain. It's obtained in the intro mission after the Grand Protector is pulled into the ground by a tentacle. It can be upgraded as the game progresses, and it remains the primary mining tool throughout the game. The default hotkey to switch to and from the Matter Manipulator mining mode is 'R'. Additional functions can be unlocked as the game progresses including Inspection Mode/Scanning Mode, Paint Mode, and Wire Mode.

At first, the Matter Manipulator's mining function deals 1.2 block damage 4 times per second to blocks in a 2x2 square. Upgrades to the Power Generator improve block damage by 1.2 per upgrade, and upgrades to the Matter Proc Unit increase the dimensions of the mining area by 1 per upgrade.

The Matter Manipulator can be upgraded up to 12 times, allowing liquid collection, increasing mining power, and increasing radius. It is currently the only tool which can gather liquids.

Fully upgraded it is currently the best mining tool available. It will allow mining in a 5x5 area with a mining power of 4.8. However, if you only need a 2x2 tunnel straight down, a Diamond Drill is faster.

An unobtainable version of the Matter Manipulator exists which has the same displayed name but performs like a fully-upgraded Matter Manipulator without needing to be upgraded first. (More information can be found at Matter Manipulator X).

Filling in blocks

When using the first mouse button, the foreground fills, and when using the second mouse button, the background fills. The area of blocks filled is 2x2. By holding the shift key, an area of 1x1 will be filled instead. This can help with more detailed work.


Upgrades are available when the required amount of Manipulator Modules are used in the upgrade window. The window can be opened with a button on the right sidebar.

Expansion Slot

Upgrade Level Requires Changes
Liquid Collection Upgrade.png Upgrade 1 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (3) Enables the collection of liquids using Excavation mode
Paint Mode Upgrade.png Upgrade 2 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (3) Enable Paint Mode, for painting tiles a variety of colors
Wire Mode Upgrade.png Upgrade 3 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (3) Enable Wire Mode, for wiring together functional objects

Matter Proc Unit

Upgrade Level Requires Radius Changes
Manipulator Range Upgrade.png Upgrade 1 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (12) 3x3 Increase area of effect to 3x3 tiles
Manipulator Range Upgrade.png Upgrade 2 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (24) 4x4 Increase area of effect to 4x4 tiles
Manipulator Range Upgrade.png Upgrade 3 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (48) 5x5 Increase area of effect to 5x5 tiles

Power Generator

Upgrade Level Requires Power Changes
Manipulator Power Upgrade.png Upgrade 1 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (8) +100% Increase matter deconstruction rate by 100%
Manipulator Power Upgrade.png Upgrade 2 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (16) +200% Increase matter deconstruction rate by 200%
Manipulator Power Upgrade.png Upgrade 3 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (32) +300% Increase matter deconstruction rate by 300%


Upgrade Level Requires Range Changes
Manipulator Optics Upgrade.png Upgrade 1 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (6) 2 Increase effective manipulator range by 2 tiles
Manipulator Optics Upgrade.png Upgrade 2 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (12) 4 Increase effective manipulator range by 4 tiles
Manipulator Optics Upgrade.png Upgrade 3 Manipulator Module Icon.png Manipulator Module (24) 6 Increase effective manipulator range by 6 tiles


Vertically, the player can work with up to 18 blocks above the ground a player is standing from, and 14 blocks if the vertical space occupied by the player themselves is omitted. However, the player can only manipulate matter up to 17 blocks downwards, and 13 if the player is not counted. Horizontally, the player can work with up to 16 blocks to either side, 14 if the 2-block horizontal space that the player takes up is not counted.
The vertical range of the player
The horizontal range of The Player


  • The Matter Manipulator seems to have a vague resemblance to the Plasma Cutter of the Dead Space franchise, perhaps indicating inspiration (conscious or otherwise) or even a kind of reference, this resemblance is purely superficial however as the Matter Manipulator operates quite differently to the Plasma Cutter, notably being unable to be used as a weapon (bar the creative application of poison and lava). Similarly to the Matter Manipulator however, the Cutter can be upgraded.
  • The Matter Manipulator could be using a tiny portal to a pocket dimension inside its machinery that makes it work, effectively serving as an in-universe explanation for the player's inventory. Your inventory is obviously not stored anywhere on your person because the Matter Manipulator projects things outward for you to place them with it, and because you can carry an entire few mountains in your inventory. Of course, the destruction of tiles may be caused by a laser, but they could also be being ripped apart from the power of a pocket dimensional portal being focused on one area instead. This is all just a theory however, so take it as you will.
  • NPC dialogue (such as Esther noticing that the player has a matter manipulator on them) also indicates that aside from clothing/armor and whatever the player is holding in their hands, it's the only item visible on players too.


  • Rampaging Koala: Enabled multiple upgrade tiers increasing radius, power and allowing collection of liquids, changed rarity from Legendary to Uncommon


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem beamaxe
File Name beamaxe.beamaxe
File Path assets\items\tools\miningtools