Master Fossil Brush

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Master Fossil Brush Icon.png
Master Fossil Brush
Master Fossil Brush.png

Can be used once to excavate a fossil, with heightened success.


Master Fossil Brush is a specialized tool for gathering fossils. Using it to interact with a fossil underground triggers the fossil mini-game. Once the player has successfully, or un-successfully completed the mini game, the brush is used up.

It's the highest quality fossil tool available, offering the greatest variety of tools within the mini-game.

When the fossil mini-game is triggered with a Master Fossil Brush, the game generates dynamite (cross) and hammer (2x2 square) tools as if it were triggered with a Basic Fossil Brush; however, before the mini-game begins, the quantity of dynamite tools is saved, and instead of receiving that quantity of dynamite tools, you receive floor(quantity/2) of left drills (cross with rightmost square missing), ceil(quantity/2) of right drills (cross with leftmost square missing), and (quantity) chisels (single square). That is, if a Basic Fossil Brush would give you 3 dynamite tools, a Master Fossil Brush would replace the 3 dynamite tools with 1 left drill, 2 right drills, and 3 chisels. If a Basic Fossil Brush would instead give you 4 dynamite tools, a Master Fossil Brush would replace the 4 dynamite tools with 2 left drills, 2 right drills, and 4 chisels.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem fossilbrushmaster
File Name fossilbrushmaster.activeitem
File Path assets\items\active\fossil