Gold Drill

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Gold Drill Icon.png
Gold Drill
Gold Drill.png

Drills fast but breaks quickly. A temporary alternative to the matter manipulator.

Gold Drill is a tool which deals 2.5 damage 10 times per second to blocks in a 2x2 square. Drills mine faster than pickaxes by striking more quickly. It is the third tier drill. It's a temporary mining tool - it will break after dealing damage 1000 times.

Gold Drills can be found in containers on Tier 4 and 5 Planets or purchased from Ursa Miner once The Player has completed Fetch the Avian Artifact. In early beta they were craftable, but the crafting recipe was removed in update Cheerful Giraffe.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem golddrill
File Name golddrill.miningtool
File Path assets/items/tools/miningtools