An Angry Rant

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An Angry Rant Icon.png
Angry Rant
An Angry Rant.png

An Angry Rant

Removed: No Longer Available

An Angry Rant was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

An Angry Rant was a Floran codex found inside Floran Villages.

This codex had the same text as A review of Floran Peace.

It was removed from the game when lore was rewritten in update cheerful giraffe.


An Angry Rant

by notable Avian critic Roger Seabird

Billed as 'the great Floran novel' by its Glitch publishers, Floran Peace had a lot to live up to. It does, of course, fail on all accounts. The savage plant-species may be skilled hunters, but this skill does not translate to the page. The novel is a mess of plot ideas that go nowhere, with everything being resolved via stabbing.

Character development is nonexistent, and it's impossible to warm to any of the protagonists given their propensity for murder. The middle section, particularly puzzling, is simply a fifty thousand word diatribe against the Hylotl. Despite the old adage, it seems that for the author Florstab, the sword is in fact mightier than the pen.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem florvilrantCodex
File Name florvilrant.codexitem
File Path assets/codex/documents