Dripping Prison Shower

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Dripping Prison Shower Icon.png
Dripping Prison Shower
Rusty Shower.png

A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway.

Dripping Prison Shower is a decorative object found in Human Prisons. Its appearance is the same as Rusty Shower, but it has a drip of water.

Racial Descriptions

Apex Icon.png Apex : I could use a shower about now.
Avian Icon.png Avian : If only I had the time for a hot shower.
Floran Icon.png Floran : Shower dripsss rusty water.
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Uncomfortable. Showers and Glitch do not mix.
Human Icon.png Human : I'd take a shower, but my singing might alert hostiles.
Hylotl Icon.png Hylotl : The touch of water would be a blessing right now.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : Ah, a shower.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem prisonshowerdripping
File Name prisonshowerdripping.object
File Path assets\objects\human\prisonshower