Hemogoblin Figurine

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Hemogoblin Figurine Icon.png
Hemogoblin Figurine
Action Figure
Hemogoblin Figurine.png

The label reads, "It's actually covered in red skin, but it's still pretty gross."

Hemogoblin Figurine is a trophy dropped by Hemogoblin's Head and Butt.

The trophy has a 1/1000 chance to drop from the Head when it is killed by a non-hunting weapon and drops Treasure (treasure has an 80% chance to drop on kill). The Butt also has a 1/1000 chance to drop the figurine, but only if it is killed by a hunting weapon. Whole Hemogoblins, Heads killed with hunting weapons and Butts killed with non-hunting weapons do not drop any treasure on death and therefore cannot drop the figurine.


  • Cheerful Giraffe: Changed name from 'Hemogoblin Action Figure' to 'Hemogoblin Figurine'


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem hemogoblinaf
File Name hemogoblinAF.object
File Path assets\objects\actionfigure\hemogoblin