
From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
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Treasure encompasses the rewards that Players can obtain by exploring Starbound's universe and participating in activities such as Combat, Bug-Catching and Questing. As there are too many treasure pools to cover on a single page, the focus of this page is on basic treasure mechanics. The page also includes a (long) list of the most common treasure pools, which are often called by less-common treasure pools.

General Information

The working unit in the world of treasure is the Treasure Pool. Below is a representation of an actual treasure pool pulled from the game's assets - aspects of it will be referenced later as the explanation proceeds.

Hi-Tech Chest Quantity Weight Chance
Valuable Tech Treasure 1 Always Appears
Tech Treasure 1 0.4 40%
Tech Treasure 2 0.4 40%
Tech Treasure 3 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0

First of all, every treasure pool has a name. For this treasure pool, the name given is Hi-Tech Chest (its internal name, not listed here, is different).

Second, all treasure pools have Sub-Pools within the main pool.

Each sub-pool is indexed with a Tier Index. This tier index represents the minimum planetary difficulty required for the parent treasure pool to use the attached sub-pool. If multiple sub-pools with different tier indices are present within a treasure pool, the treasure pool only uses the sub-pool with the highest tier index that is still smaller than or equal to the current planetary difficulty. The Hi-Tech Chest treasure pool has only one sub-pool, and it has a tier index of 0 - that is, the same sub-pool is used regardless of planetary difficulty. On this wiki, treasure pools with more than one sub-pool will have each sub-pool listed as a separate table (see Tool (treasure) for an example).

Within each sub-pool is a list of possible rewards. There are two types of rewards:

  • Guaranteed Rewards are always given in the same way when the parent sub-pool is called. On the wiki, this is indicated by the phrase Always Appears, taking up one or two columns of the table in a given row. Valuable Tech Treasure is an example of a guaranteed reward.
  • Random Rewards, unlike guaranteed rewards, are not always given when the parent sub-pool is called. Either the reward type or reward quantity can vary. Tech Treasure is an example of a random reward - it can either be given once, twice, or three times when the 0 sub-pool is called.

Every random reward in a given sub-pool of a treasure pool has a Weight assigned to it. The weight is the relative likelihood of that particular reward being given when its sub-pool is called. If a particular reward has the biggest weight of all random rewards in a sub-pool, it will be picked most often when the sub-pool is called. In the Hi-Tech Chest treasure pool, Tech Treasure x1 and Tech Treasure x2 both have a weight of 0.4 while Tech Treasure x3 has a weight of 0.2. In qualitative terms, this means that Tech Treasure x1 and Tech Treasure x2 are given at approximately equal rates, but Tech Treasure x3 is only given half as much as either Tech Treasure x1 or Tech Treasure x2.

Note that only one random reward in a sub-pool is chosen each time the sub-pool is called; however, if the sub-pool is called more than once and the calling pool allows item duplication, it is possible for the same reward to be chosen more than once. However, if the calling pool forbids item duplication, the same item or object cannot be chosen twice, resulting in rare items appearing more frequently than expected.

Oftentimes, the weights of all the random rewards in a sub-pool add up to 1, allowing one to directly convert a reward's weight into a probability percentage. However, this is not always the case. For cases in which the Total Weight, which is the sum of all the weights in a sub-pool, is not 1, a reward's chance is calculated by dividing its weight by the total weight.

Now, the example treasure pool happens to have treasure pools for all of its guaranteed and random rewards. However, items and objects can also be rewards - in fact, the end goal of treasure generation is to create items and/or objects for the player to take. Therefore, in the case of the Hi-Tech Chest treasure pool, we must also consult the Valuable Tech Treasure and Tech Treasure treasure pools in order to get a full understanding of what items can appear in a Hi-Tech Chest (both of those can be found here).

Some concluding notes:

  • If the Quantity column is missing from a treasure table, assume that the quantity for all rewards is 1.
  • If both the Weight and Chance columns are missing from a treasure table (example: Special Reward's treasure pool), assume that all rewards are guaranteed rewards.

Treasure Sub-Pages

If the treasure pool you're looking for isn't here, try looking on one of Treasure's sub-pages:

Common Treasure Pools

Treasure pools listed here come from the common.treasurepools file in the unpacked game assets. Most of them are used by many treasure sources in the game such as boxes, treasure chests, and Reward Bags. Treasure pools specific to certain sources or kinds of items should be listed or linked to on the source's or item kind's page.

Basic Chest Treasure

Basic Chest Treasure Quantity Weight Chance
Valuable Treasure 1 Always Appears
Maybe Weapon Treasure 1 Always Appears
Basic Treasure 1 0.1 10%
Basic Treasure 2 0.4 40%
Basic Treasure 3 0.4 40%
Basic Treasure 4 0.1 10%
Total Weight 1.0

Small Chest Treasure

Small Chest Treasure Quantity Weight Chance
Basic Treasure 1 0.4 40%
Basic Treasure 2 0.4 40%
Basic Treasure 3 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0

Basic Treasure

Basic Treasure Weight Chance
Chest Money 0.32 32%
Healing Item 0.16 16%
Ore 0.16 16%
Thrown Weapon 0.12 12%
Weapon 0.05 5%
Tool 0.05 5%
0.08 8%
0.03 3%
0.01 1%
Instrument 0.01 1%
Costume 0.01 1%
Total Weight 1.0

Maybe Weapon Treasure

Maybe Weapon Treasure Weight Chance
Weapon 0.25 25%
Shield 0.1 10%
Basic Treasure 0.65 65%
Total Weight 1.0

Valuable Treasure

Tier 1 Valuable Treasure Weight Chance
0.25 25%
0.45 45%
0.08 8%
0.04 4%
Good Weapon 0.15 15%
Unique Weapon 0.03 3%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 2 Valuable Treasure Quantity Weight Chance
1 0.25 25%
1 0.35 35%
2 0.05 5%
1 0.11 11%
1 0.05 5%
Augment 1 0.05 5%
Good Weapon 1 0.12 12%
Unique Weapon 1 0.02 2%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 3 Valuable Treasure Quantity Weight Chance
1 0.25 25%
1 0.33 33%
2 0.07 7%
1 0.12 12%
1 0.05 5%
Augment 1 0.05 5%
Pet Collar 1 0.03 3%
Good Weapon 1 0.05 5%
Unique Weapon 1 0.03 3%
Unique Weapon Recipe 1 0.02 2%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 4+ Valuable Treasure Quantity Weight Chance
1 0.25 25%
1 0.3 30%
2 0.1 10%
1 0.13 13%
1 0.05 5%
Augment 1 0.06 6%
Pet Collar 1 0.06 6%
Unique Weapon 1 0.03 3%
Unique Weapon Recipe 1 0.02 2%
Total Weight 1.0


Tier 1 Augment Weight Chance
0.5 20%
0.5 20%
0.5 20%
0.5 20%
0.5 20%
Total Weight 2.5
Tier 2 Augment Weight Chance
0.5 11.1%
0.5 11.1%
0.5 11.1%
0.5 11.1%
0.5 11.1%
0.5 11.1%
0.5 11.1%
0.5 11.1%
0.5 11.1%
Total Weight 4.5
Tier 3 Augment Weight Chance
0.3 5.8%
0.3 5.8%
0.3 5.8%
0.3 5.8%
0.3 5.8%
0.3 5.8%
0.3 5.8%
0.3 5.8%
0.3 5.8%
0.5 9.6%
0.5 9.6%
0.5 9.6%
0.5 9.6%
0.5 9.6%
Total Weight 5.2
Tier 4 Augment Weight Chance
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.5 6.9%
0.5 6.9%
0.5 6.9%
0.5 6.9%
0.5 6.9%
0.5 6.9%
0.5 6.9%
0.5 6.9%
0.5 6.9%
Total Weight 7.2
Tier 5 Augment Weight Chance
0.1 1.6%
0.1 1.6%
0.1 1.6%
0.1 1.6%
0.1 1.6%
0.1 1.6%
0.1 1.6%
0.1 1.6%
0.1 1.6%
0.3 4.9%
0.3 4.9%
0.3 4.9%
0.3 4.9%
0.3 4.9%
0.3 4.9%
0.3 4.9%
0.3 4.9%
0.3 4.9%
0.5 8.2%
0.5 8.2%
0.5 8.2%
0.5 8.2%
0.5 8.2%
Total Weight 6.1
Tier 6 Augment Weight Chance
0.1 1.4%
0.1 1.4%
0.1 1.4%
0.1 1.4%
0.1 1.4%
0.1 1.4%
0.1 1.4%
0.1 1.4%
0.1 1.4%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.3 4.2%
0.5 7%
0.5 7%
0.5 7%
0.5 7%
0.5 7%
0.5 7%
0.5 7%
Total Weight 7.1

Pet Collar

Tier 1 Pet Collar Weight Chance
0.6 20%
0.6 20%
0.6 20%
0.6 20%
0.6 20%
Total Weight 3.0
Tier 2 Pet Collar Weight Chance
0.6 11.1%
0.6 11.1%
0.6 11.1%
0.6 11.1%
0.6 11.1%
0.6 11.1%
0.6 11.1%
0.6 11.1%
0.6 11.1%
Total Weight 5.4
Tier 3 Pet Collar Weight Chance
0.3 6.7%
0.3 6.7%
0.3 6.7%
0.3 6.7%
0.3 6.7%
0.3 6.7%
0.3 6.7%
0.3 6.7%
0.3 6.7%
0.6 13.3%
0.6 13.3%
0.6 13.3%
Total Weight 4.5
Tier 4 Pet Collar Weight Chance
0.3 5.9%
0.3 5.9%
0.3 5.9%
0.3 5.9%
0.3 5.9%
0.3 5.9%
0.3 5.9%
0.3 5.9%
0.3 5.9%
0.6 11.8%
0.6 11.8%
0.6 11.8%
0.6 11.8%
Total Weight 5.1
Tier 5+ Pet Collar Weight Chance
0.1 2.6%
0.1 2.6%
0.1 2.6%
0.1 2.6%
0.1 2.6%
0.1 2.6%
0.1 2.6%
0.1 2.6%
0.1 2.6%
0.3 7.7%
0.3 7.7%
0.3 7.7%
0.3 7.7%
0.6 15.4%
0.6 15.4%
0.6 15.4%
Total Weight 3.9

Treasure Chest Money

Treasure Chest Money Quantity Weight Chance
Chest Money 1 0.65 65%
Chest Money 2 0.3 30%
Chest Money 3 0.05 5%
Total Weight 1.0

Chest Money

Tier 1 Chest Money Quantity Weight Chance
15 0.2 20%
30 0.6 60%
50 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 2 Chest Money Quantity Weight Chance
22 0.2 20%
45 0.6 60%
75 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 3 Chest Money Quantity Weight Chance
30 0.2 20%
60 0.6 60%
100 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 4 Chest Money Quantity Weight Chance
37 0.2 20%
75 0.6 60%
125 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 5 Chest Money Quantity Weight Chance
45 0.2 20%
90 0.6 60%
150 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 6 Chest Money Quantity Weight Chance
52 0.2 20%
105 0.6 60%
175 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 7 Chest Money Quantity Weight Chance
60 0.2 20%
120 0.6 60%
200 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0

Money Treasure

Money Treasure Quantity Weight Chance
Money 1 0.65 65%
Money 2 0.3 30%
Money 3 0.05 5%
Total Weight 1.0


Tier 1 Money Quantity Weight Chance
5 0.2 20%
10 0.6 60%
25 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 2 Money Quantity Weight Chance
7 0.2 20%
15 0.6 60%
50 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 3 Money Quantity Weight Chance
10 0.2 20%
20 0.6 60%
50 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 4 Money Quantity Weight Chance
12 0.2 20%
25 0.6 60%
62 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 5 Money Quantity Weight Chance
15 0.2 20%
30 0.6 60%
75 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 6 Money Quantity Weight Chance
17 0.2 20%
35 0.6 60%
87 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 7 Money Quantity Weight Chance
20 0.2 20%
40 0.6 60%
100 0.2 20%
Total Weight 1.0

Ore Treasure

Ore Treasure Quantity Weight Chance
Ore 1 0.6 60%
Ore 2 0.3 30%
Ore 3 0.1 10%
Total Weight 1.0


Tier 1 Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Ore 1 0.3 30%
4 0.7 70%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 2 Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Ore 1 0.3 30%
4 0.7 70%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 3 Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Ore 1 0.3 30%
4 0.65 65%
1 0.05 5%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 4 Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Ore 1 0.3 30%
4 0.65 65%
1 0.05 5%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 5 Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Ore 1 0.3 30%
4 0.2 20%
4 0.2 20%
4 0.2 20%
1 0.1 10%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 6 Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Ore 1 0.3 30%
4 0.6 60%
1 0.1 10%
Total Weight 1.0

Non-Tiered Ore

Non-Tiered Ore Quantity Weight Chance
4 0.1 ~33.3%
4 0.1 ~33.3%
4 0.1 ~33.3%
Total Weight 0.3

Rich Ore

Tier 1 Rich Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Rich Ore 1 0.3 30%
15 0.7 70%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 2 Rich Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Rich Ore 1 0.3 30%
15 0.7 70%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 3 Rich Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Rich Ore 1 0.3 30%
15 0.65 65%
1 0.05 5%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 4 Rich Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Rich Ore 1 0.3 30%
15 0.65 65%
1 0.05 5%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 5 Rich Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Rich Ore 1 0.3 30%
15 0.2 20%
15 0.2 20%
15 0.2 20%
2 0.1 10%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 6 Rich Ore Quantity Weight Chance
Non-Tiered Rich Ore 1 0.3 30%
15 0.6 60%
3 0.1 10%
Total Weight 1.0

Non-Tiered Rich Ore

Non-Tiered Rich Ore Quantity Weight Chance
16 0.1 ~33.3%
16 0.1 ~33.3%
16 0.1 ~33.3%
Total Weight 0.3

Healing Item

Tier 1-3 Healing Item Quantity Weight Chance
2 0.4 40%
3 0.35 35%
2 0.25 25%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 4+ Healing Item Quantity Weight Chance
1 0.4 40%
2 0.35 35%
1 0.15 15%
2 0.10 10%
Total Weight 1.0


Tier 1-3 Stim Quantity Weight Chance
2 0.25 25%
2 0.25 25%
2 0.25 25%
2 0.25 25%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 4+ Stim Quantity Weight Chance
3 0.25 25%
3 0.25 25%
3 0.25 25%
3 0.25 25%
Total Weight 1.0


Tier 1-2 Weapon Weight Chance
Common Melee 0.4 40%
Uncommon Melee 0.3 30%
Rare Melee 0.1 10%
Common Gun 0.12 12%
Uncommon Gun 0.06 6%
Rare Gun 0.02 2%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 3-4 Weapon Weight Chance
Common Melee 0.25 25%
Uncommon Melee 0.15 15%
Rare Melee 0.05 5%
Common Gun 0.25 25%
Uncommon Gun 0.15 15%
Rare Gun 0.05 5%
Rare Staff 0.05 5%
Rare Wand 0.05 5%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 5-6 Weapon Weight Chance
Common Melee 0.20 20%
Uncommon Melee 0.12 12%
Rare Melee 0.05 5%
Common Gun 0.20 20%
Uncommon Gun 0.13 13%
Rare Gun 0.05 5%
Rare Staff 0.12 12%
Rare Wand 0.13 13%
Total Weight 1.0

Good Weapon

Tier 1-2 Good Weapon Weight Chance
Uncommon Melee 0.4 40%
Rare Melee 0.35 35%
Uncommon Gun 0.15 15%
Rare Gun 0.1 10%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 3-4 Good Weapon Weight Chance
Uncommon Melee 0.25 25%
Rare Melee 0.18 18%
Uncommon Gun 0.25 25%
Rare Gun 0.18 18%
Rare Staff 0.05 5%
Rare Wand 0.05 5%
Unique Weapon 0.02 2%
Unique Weapon Recipe 0.02 2%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 5-6 Good Weapon Weight Chance
Uncommon Melee 0.20 20%
Rare Melee 0.13 13%
Uncommon Gun 0.20 20%
Rare Gun 0.13 13%
Rare Staff 0.13 13%
Rare Wand 0.13 13%
Unique Weapon 0.04 4%
Unique Weapon Recipe 0.04 4%
Total Weight 1.0

Thrown Weapon

Tier 1 Thrown Weapon Quantity Weight Chance
3 0.1 10%
3 0.1 10%
20 0.4 40%
10 0.4 40%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 2 Thrown Weapon Quantity Weight Chance
3 0.15 15%
3 0.15 15%
25 0.35 35%
10 0.35 35%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 3 Thrown Weapon Quantity Weight Chance
3 0.15 15%
3 0.15 15%
25 0.35 35%
10 0.35 35%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 4 Thrown Weapon Quantity Weight Chance
3 0.15 15%
3 0.15 15%
25 0.35 35%
10 0.35 35%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 5 Thrown Weapon Quantity Weight Chance
3 0.15 15%
3 0.15 15%
40 0.70 70%
Total Weight 1.0
Tier 6 Thrown Weapon Quantity Weight Chance
3 0.15 15%
3 0.15 15%
5 0.70 70%
Total Weight 1.0

Common Melee

Common Melee Weight Chance
Common Broadsword 1.0 17%
Common Axe 1.0 17%
Common Spear 1.0 17%
Common Hammer 1.0 17%
Common Dagger 1.0 17%
Common Shortsword 1.0 17%
Total Weight 6.0

Uncommon Melee

Uncommon Melee Weight Chance
Uncommon Broadsword 0.007 17%
Uncommon Axe 0.007 17%
Uncommon Spear 0.007 17%
Uncommon Hammer 0.007 17%
Uncommon Dagger 0.007 17%
Uncommon Shortsword 0.007 17%
Total Weight 0.042

Rare Melee

Rare Melee Weight Chance
Rare Broadsword 0.007 17%
Rare Axe 0.007 17%
Rare Spear 0.007 17%
Rare Hammer 0.007 17%
Rare Dagger 0.007 17%
Rare Shortsword 0.007 17%
Total Weight 0.042

Common Gun

Tier 1 Common Gun Weight Chance
Common Pistol 1.0 50%
Common Machine Pistol 1.0 50%
Total Weight 2.0
Tier 2+ Common Gun Weight Chance
Common Assault Rifle 1.0 15.6%
Common Shotgun 1.0 15.6%%
Common Sniper Rifle 1.0 15.6%
Common Pistol 1.0 15.6%
Common Machine Pistol 1.0 15.6%
Common Grenade Launcher 0.7 10.9%
Common Rocket Launcher 0.7 10.9%
Total Weight 6.4

Uncommon Gun

Tier 1 Uncommon Gun Weight Chance
Uncommon Pistol 1.0 50%
Uncommon Machine Pistol 1.0 50%
Total Weight 2.0
Tier 2+ Uncommon Gun Weight Chance
Uncommon Assault Rifle 1.0 14.9%
Uncommon Shotgun 1.0 14.9%
Uncommon Sniper Rifle 1.0 14.9%
Uncommon Pistol 1.0 14.9%
Uncommon Machine Pistol 1.0 14.9%
Uncommon Grenade Launcher 1.0 14.9%
Uncommon Rocket Launcher 0.7 10.4%
Total Weight 6.7

Rare Gun

Tier 1 Rare Gun Weight Chance
Rare Pistol 1.0 50%
Rare Machine Pistol 1.0 50%
Total Weight 2.0
Tier 2+ Rare Gun Weight Chance
Rare Assault Rifle 1.0 14.9%
Rare Shotgun 1.0 14.9%
Rare Sniper Rifle 1.0 14.9%
Rare Pistol 1.0 14.9%
Rare Machine Pistol 1.0 14.9%
Rare Grenade Launcher 1.0 14.9%
Rare Rocket Launcher 0.7 10.4%
Total Weight 6.7

Unique Weapon

Tier 1-2 Unique Weapon Weight Chance
1.0 13.3%
1.0 13.3%
1.5 20%
1.0 13.3%
1.0 13.3%
1.0 13.3%
1.0 13.3%
Total Weight 7.5
Tier 3-4 Unique Weapon Weight Chance
0.5 4.6%
0.5 4.6%
0.75 6.8%
1.0 9.1%
1.0 9.1%
1.0 9.1%
1.0 9.1%
1.0 9.1%
1.0 9.1%
1.0 9.1%
1.0 9.1%
1.0 9.1%
0.2 1.8%
Total Weight 10.95
Tier 5+ Unique Weapon Weight Chance
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
1.0 10%
Total Weight 10.0

Unique Weapon Recipe

Unique Weapon Recipe Weight Chance
1.0 11.1%
1.0 11.1%
1.0 11.1%
1.0 11.1%
1.0 11.1%
1.0 11.1%
1.0 11.1%
1.0 11.1%
1.0 11.1%
Total Weight 9.0


Shield Weight Chance
Common Large Shield 0.5 50%
Common Small Shield 0.5 50%
Total Weight 1.0


Tier 1 Seeds Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 27.3%
3 3.0 27.3%
3 2.0 18.2%
3 2.0 18.2%
3 1.0 9.1%
Total Weight 11.0
Tier 2 Seeds Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 21.4%
3 3.0 21.4%
3 2.0 14.3%
3 2.0 14.3%
3 2.0 14.3%
3 1.0 7.1%
3 1.0 7.1%
Total Weight 14.0
Tier 3 Seeds Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 25%
3 3.0 25%
3 2.0 16.7%
3 2.0 16.7%
3 1.0 8.3%
3 1.0 8.3%
Total Weight 12.0
Tier 4 Seeds Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 25%
3 3.0 25%
3 2.0 16.7%
3 2.0 16.7%
3 1.0 8.3%
3 1.0 8.3%
Total Weight 12.0
Tier 5 Seeds Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 37.5%
3 3.0 37.5%
3 2.0 25%
Total Weight 8.0
Tier 6 Seeds Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 37.5%
3 2.0 25%
3 2.0 25%
3 1.0 12.5%
Total Weight 8.0
Tier 7 Seeds Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
Total Weight 65.0

Food Chest Treasure

Food Chest Treasure Quantity Weight Chance
Produce 1 0.1 8.3%
Produce 2 0.6 50%
Produce 3 0.3 25%
Produce 4 0.15 12.5%
Produce 5 0.05 4.2%
Total Weight 1.2


Tier 1 Produce Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 27.3%
3 3.0 27.3%
3 2.0 18.2%
3 2.0 18.2%
3 1.0 9.1%
Total Weight 11.0
Tier 2 Produce Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 21.4%
3 3.0 21.4%
3 2.0 14.3%
3 2.0 14.3%
3 2.0 14.3%
3 1.0 7.1%
3 1.0 7.1%
Total Weight 14.0
Tier 3 Produce Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 25%
3 3.0 25%
3 2.0 16.7%
3 2.0 16.7%
3 1.0 8.3%
3 1.0 8.3%
Total Weight 12.0
Tier 4 Produce Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 25%
3 3.0 25%
3 2.0 16.7%
3 2.0 16.7%
3 1.0 8.3%
3 1.0 8.3%
Total Weight 12.0
Tier 5 Produce Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 37.5%
3 3.0 37.5%
3 2.0 25%
Total Weight 8.0
Tier 6 Produce Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 37.5%
3 2.0 25%
3 2.0 25%
3 1.0 12.5%
Total Weight 8.0
Tier 7 Produce Quantity Weight Chance
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 1.0 1.5%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 3.0 4.6%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 2.0 3.1%
3 1.0 1.5%
Total Weight 65.0


Costume Weight Chance
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
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0.0003 0.8%
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0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
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0.0003 0.8%
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0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
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0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
0.0003 0.8%
Total Weight 0.0357

Rare Furniture

Rare Furniture Weight Chance
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
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0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
0.03 2.7%
Total Weight 1.11


Instrument Weight Chance
0.0007 3.3%
0.0008 3.8%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0008 3.8%
0.0008 3.8%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0008 3.8%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
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0.0007 3.3%
0.0008 3.8%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0008 3.8%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0007 3.3%
0.0008 3.8%
0.0008 3.8%
0.0001 0.5%
Total Weight 0.0212