Molten Boomerang

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Molten Boomerang Icon.png
Molten Boomerang
Molten Boomerang.png

A blazing hot boomerang with a molten core.

Molten Boomerang is a Tier 5 unique throwing weapon that returns to the player once thrown. It will bounce off any surface it strikes and always return to the character that originally threw it.

Because the boomerang is one handed players can hold one in each hand. Unlike a normal boomerang this weapon will deal fire damage.

The Molten Boomerang has a base power of 18 and a 0.6-second delay before you can throw the Molten Boomerang again after catching it.

The Molten Boomerang cannot be found anywhere in the universe. The only way to acquire one is to convert a normal Boomerang into a Molten Boomerang, either by crafting it yourself using the blueprint - which appears where other generic Legendary items appear - or by having it crafted for you at Biggy's Reputable Weaponry.

When upgraded at a Weapon Upgrade Anvil to tier 6, the Molten Boomerang's power increases to 21. Additionally, its appearance changes to the one shown below.

Molten Boomerang (Upgraded).png

Apart from the addition of a gold star to the name, no other changes occur as a result of the upgrade.


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