Saw Chakram

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Saw Chakram Icon.png
Saw Chakram
Saw Chakram.png

A favourite weapon of the sacred order of lumbermonks.


Saw Chakram is a Tier 5 unique throwing weapon that returns to the thrower once thrown.

The Saw Chakram has a base power of 9 and a 0.6-second delay after catching it before it can be thrown again. The maximum distance it can travel before starting to return to the thrower is 13 blocks. In addition, the Saw Chakram pierces through enemies, though enemies hit once by the Saw Chakram cannot be hit again until 0.2 seconds have passed.

If the Saw Chakram hits a solid block, it will stick to the block and spin in place for 1.5 seconds before returning to the thrower.

The Saw Chakram cannot spawn anywhere in the universe. The only way to get one is to convert a normal Chakram into a Saw Chakram, either by crafting it yourself using the blueprint - which appears where other generic Legendary items appear - or by having it crafted for you at Biggy's Reputable Weaponry.

When upgraded at a Weapon Upgrade Anvil to tier 6, the Saw Chakram's base damage increases to 10.5, and its appearance changes to Saw Chakram (Upgraded).png.

Apart from adding a gold star to the name, no other changes occur as a result of the upgrade.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem sawchakram
File Name sawchakram.activeitem
File Path assets\items\active\weapons\chakram