This coconut is just waiting to be thrown.
Coconuts, in addition to being Cooking ingredients, are throwable items. When coconuts collide with anything solid, they'll break open and spill a small amount of Coconut Milk which can be collected by an appropriately-upgraded Matter Manipulator. These brown fruit have a base power of 2 and a 0.4-second delay between consecutive throws with the same hand, producing a base one-handed DPS of 5.
Coconuts are found in the trees of non-frigid Ocean planets, dropping when these trees are felled.
During beta, gathering three coconuts was a requirement of the outpost quest A Lovely Bunch of Coconuts. That quest was removed in the Cheerful Giraffe update.
After looting a Coconut for the first time, players will automatically learn the crafting schematic for Coconut Drink, Choconut, and Coconut Ice Cream.
Ingredient for
File Details
Spawn Command
/spawnitem coconut
File Name
File Path