Wrecked Monitor

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Wrecked Monitor Icon.png
Wrecked Monitor
Wrecked Monitor.png

A smashed monitor, not much use now.

Disabled: Not currently available

Wrecked Monitor is currently disabled from the game. Assets for this exist within the game files, but will not be encountered through normal gameplay.

Wrecked Monitor is a decorative object. It exists only in the disabled wrecked ship dungeon.

Racial Descriptions

Apex Icon.png Apex : Completely broken, not much use.
Avian Icon.png Avian : Nothing to see here.
Floran Icon.png Floran : Ssmasshed monitor.
Glitch Icon.png Glitch : Disappointed. Broken beyond repair.
Human Icon.png Human : A broken monitor. Not fixable.
Hylotl Icon.png Hylotl : The glass is sharp, I'd better be careful.
Novakid Icon.png Novakid : Somethin' smashed this.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem wreckscreen
File Name wreckscreen.object
File Path assets\objects\wreck\wreckscreen