Lilotron Mech Body

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Lilotron Mech Body Icon.png
Lilotron Mech Body
Mech Component
Lilotron Mech Body.png
A mech body based on the Lilodon. Its bark isn't quite worse than its bite.
Max Energy Mech Stat 4.png
Defense Mech Stat 4.png
Rare Pixels-Sell.png 11200

Lilotron Mech Body is a body part mech component which can be crafted using scavaged materials found in space encounters. The crafting recipe has a chance to be learned after finding a High-Tech Mech Blueprint.

Once learned it can be assembled using a Mech Part Crafting Table and equipped using a Mech Assembly Station.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem mechbodyshark
File Name mechbodyshark.item
File Path assets\items\generic\mechparts\body