User Interface
From Starbounder - Starbound Wiki
(Redirected from Hotkey)
The hotbar is the player's toolbar for weapons, tools, items, blocks, and consumables. It allows quick access to these items with the use of the number keys.
- Each hotbar quickslot can be selected as active by clicking it or pressing a number 1-6. The quickslots are ordered from left to right. The player can open a second set of quickslots by pressing X, or pressing the small white and grey squares in the upper left of the hotbar.
- Each quickslot represents the left and right hand of the player character, assigned to the left and right mouse button by default. Items with a one-handed designation can be bound to either the left and right mouse hotkey. If items only require one hand, they will take up a single side of the quickslot and can be assigned with another single-handed item to the other side of the quickslot. Two-handed items will require both sides of a quickslot, but may have different abilities when using the right and left mouse button.
- In the center of the hotbar there are four slots reserved for fixed tools. The first is the Matter Manipulator, which is found during the intro mission and can bring up at any time by pressing R. The second is Wire Mode, which begins locked but can be unlocked by upgrading the Matter Manipulator. The third slot, also locked at start, is the Paint Tool. The last fixed quickslot is the Scan Mode tool, which can be selected by pressing N.
- Items and objects can be dragged to and from the players inventory and dropped in the corresponding slot, but hotbar slots can only be remapped while the inventory window is open.
- The player can lock the hotbar by clicking the green lock icon. This will prevent items from being moved to and from the hotbar until unlocked by clicking the icon again.
Hotkeys are actions and UI elements bound to keys on the players keyboard. Controls can be viewed in game by clicking [F1] on the keyboard.
Game Window hotkeys
Hotkey | Game Window | Description | Menu Icon |
[C] | Crafting Window | Crafting Schematics are listed and allows access to crafting. Crafting windows are colored blue. | ![]() |
[I] | Inventory/Armor | Inventory storage, tech and armor equip screen, pet storage. Inventory windows are colored green. | ![]() |
[J] | Quest Journal | List of active, completed, and failed quests and details. The quest window is colored red. | ![]() |
[L] | Codex | List of available books, journals and documents. Codex windows are colored yellow. | ![]() |
Starbound Songbook | Lists imported songs that can be played with instruments. The songbook window is colored yellow. | ||
[Esc] | Options Menu/Quit | Settings to adjust volume, resolution, camera zoom and toggle speech bubbles |
Movement and Interaction Hotkeys
[W A S D] | Up, left, down, right | Directional movement keys. Press down to duck. | |
[Space] | Jump, go down platforms | Lets the player jump in the air. Jump height depends on planet gravity levels. Press with down to go down platforms. | |
[E]/[Middle] mouse click |
Interact | For interacting with objects including opening doors, turning on lights, sitting on furniture, sleeping in beds, opening crafting interfaces and more. | |
[Left] mouse click |
Select foreground objects | For interaction with objects/blocks in the foreground layer using the Matter Manipulator, Paint Mode, or block placement | |
[Right] mouse click |
Select background objects | For interaction with objects/blocks in the background layer using the Matter Manipulator, Paint Mode, or block placement | |
[Left]/[Right] mouse click |
Attack | Attack with selected weapon, some weapons have unique attacks for both left and right click | |
[Shift] | Select a single block | For interaction with a single block area using the Matter Manipulator, Paint Mode, or block placement | |
[R] | Matter Manipulator | Toggles the Matter Manipulator | ![]() |
[Y] | Paint Mode | Toggles Paint Mode | ![]() |
[T] | Wire Mode | Toggles Wire Mode | ![]() |
[N] | Scanning Mode | Toggles Scanning Mode | ![]() |
[Alt] | Status Button | Highlights objects the player can interact with and displays Nametags. | |
[X] | Swap Between Hotbars | Changes the active hotbar | |
[Z] | Deselect Items | Deselects currently held item so nothing is selected | |
[Q] | Throw Item | Throws the currently selected item or object onto the ground, useful for quick trading with other players | |
[1-6] or [Mousewheel] | Hold Hotbar Item | Selects items in the corresponding slot on the hotbar | |
[Shift + Click] | Quick Move Item | Deposits or withdraws clicked item to or from inventory | |
[Right] mouse click | Take One Item from Stack | selects one of the quantity in the clicked stack of items | |
[Shift + Right] mouse click | Split Item Stack | selects 1/2 of the quantity in the clicked stack of items | |
[F11] | Toggle Fullscreen | Useful when alt-tab-ing. | |
[F12] | Screenshot
(with steam overlay) |
Takes a picture of the screen.
(saved in: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\"user-id"\760\remote\211820\screenshots) |
UI Elements
Enemy Health Bar | Displays an enemy's health. |
Chat Bubbles | Displays what characters type above them in a comic style word balloon. |
Nametags | Displays the player's name above their head. |
Breath Bar | Displays how much air the player has left. |
Party Window | The party window keeps track of other players in the party. |