Dreadwing the Penguin

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Dreadwing the Penguin
Mini Boss
Health 1125 HP
Phases 3
Mission Dreadwing Mission Icon.png Dreadwing the Penguin (Quest)
  • Penguin
  • Penguin Tank
  • Penguin Mini UFO

Dreadwing the Penguin (Codex) Icon.png Dreadwing The Penguin

Dreadwing the Penguin is a Tier 3 boss encountered during a quest of the same name given by the Penguin Bartender beneath the Outpost. He is a mini boss not required for story progession; however, defeating him will allow penguin mercenaries to be hired as Crew.

Dreadwing was the first boss to be added to the game - he is a slightly large penguin who uses two red levers to pilot a massive Grey UFO with red lights rotating around it.

Dreadwing's ship has a unique death animation - it will stop, release bits of its armor, tilt to the right, then explode a bunch of times (each explosion deals 8 damage, so be careful), leaving only Chest Money Treasure and a codex behind. The Chest Money Treasure has a 2.5% chance to be replaced by a Dreadwing Figurine.


During each phase, the boss will go through its current skills in a set order, returning to the top after reaching the bottom of the order. In addition to his abilities Dreadwing is surrounded by loyal penguin troops. These include penguins with guns and driving tanks. Throughout the encounter these penguins will fire at the player until killed, and during phase changes the boss will spawn new mobs. However, Dreadwing can never have more than 6 summoned units alive at any one time.

As the player deals damage to Dreadwing's ship, it will show visible wear.

Move/Fire Moves around while firing small projectiles at the player which deal 20 damage
Swoop Swoops down to the player, attempting to deal its 80 contact damage
Teleport UFO becomes invisible for a few seconds and reappears just before it starts a Slam
Slam Slams down on the player in an attempt to deal its 80 contact damage - should be avoided. Will stay on ground for a few seconds afterward, allowing the player to melee attack.
Reinforcements (Penguins) Spawns General, Trooper and/or Rocket Penguins. (Phase 2)
  • General Penguins: wearing helmets with yellow dots and wielding handguns, these penguins have 96 health, deal 20 damage per shot with their handguns, and deal 88 contact damage.
  • Trooper Penguins: wearing plain helmets and wielding assault rifles, these penguins have 48 health, deal 20 damage per shot with their assault rifles, and deal 60 contact damage.
  • Rocket Penguins: wearing plain helmets and wielding rocket launchers, these penguins have 48 health, deal 60 damage per shot with their rocket launchers, and deal 60 contact damage. In addition, they explode on death for 20 damage.
Reinforcements (Mini UFOs) Spawns penguin mini UFOs (Phase 3). Mini UFOs have 72 health, and they deal 20 bullet damage and 60 contact damage.
Pulse Cannon Flies across the area firing a pulse cannon which deals 100 damage
Boss size compared to player

Phase 1 (100% - 80% Health)

  • Move/Fire
  • Swoop

Phase 2 (80% - 40% Health)

  • Reinforcements (Penguins) (only occurs at start of phase)
  • Move/Fire
  • Swoop
  • Reinforcements (Penguins)
  • Move/Fire
  • Slam
  • Reinforcements (Penguins)

Phase 3 (Less than 40% Health)

  • Reinforcements (Mini UFOs) (only occurs at start of phase)
  • Move/Fire
  • Teleport
  • Slam
  • Reinforcements (Mini UFOs)
  • Pulse Cannon


Penguin Tank.png
It is recommended to have at least Titanium Armour and both ranged and melee weapons to fight Dreadwing. A shield is optional, but recommended for one-handed weapons. Also, the Pulse Jump tech is beyond useful for bounding over lone penguin minions that the boss beamed down. As the arena is long and flat, the Dash tech is useful for easy movement and avoiding his Pulse Cannon attack. To weather most of the Smash attack damage, a shield can be useful. When Dreadwing's ship crashes, it is a wise idea to use a very powerful melee weapon such as a hammer on him while he is down. If the player is using a slow-firing weapon, like a rocket launcher, Dreadwing's UFO may teleport out of the way before the projectile hits, though this is only an issue during the last phase.

Dreadwing's minions are fairly weak - one or two hits from a fairly good weapon will kill them. The tanks are much hardier and warier players should not venture into the sides of the arena. The tanks are extremely slow and easy to escape, however, though they do deal 40 damage on contact and 80 damage with their explosive shells.


Dreadwing's various exploits are documented in the following codices:

Dreadwing the Penguin (Codex) Icon.png Dreadwing The Penguin


  • Prior to Upbeat Giraffe, he was the Tier 1 Boss, and was summoned after completing the tutorial quests using Distress Beacon.
  • As a tier 1 boss, Dreadwing seemed to be the most complete Boss implemented at the time. Unlike all other bosses, which used AIs borrowed from lesser mobs with different attacks or sounds, Dreadwing's ship had its own attacks, AI, and animations.
  • Dreadwing the Penguin was first revealed in public stream at Insomnia Gaming Festival[1].
  • Since then, Dreadwing is the only boss to have appeared consistently in every single iteration of the early access beta.



  1. http://playstarbound.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/sbchronicleseptember.html