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The `root` table contains functions that reference the game's currently loaded assets and don't relate to any more specific context such as a particular world or universe.

Json root.assetJson(String assetPath)

Returns the contents of the specified JSON asset file.

Json root.makeCurrentVersionedJson(String versioningIdentifier, Json content)

Returns a versioned JSON representation of the given JSON content with the given identifier and the most recent version as specified in `versioning.config`.

Json root.loadVersionedJson(Json versionedContent, String versioningIdentifier)

Returns the given JSON content and identifier after applying appropriate versioning scripts to bring it up to the most recent version as specified in `versioning.config`.

double root.evalFunction(String functionName, double input)

Returns the evaluation of the specified univariate function (as defined in a `.functions` file) for the given input value.

double root.evalFunction2(String functionName, double input1, double input2)

Returns the evaluation of the specified bivariate function (as defined in a `.2functions` file) for the given input values.

Vec2U root.imageSize(String imagePath)

Returns the pixel dimensions of the specified image asset.

List<Vec2I> root.imageSpaces(String imagePath, Vec2F worldPosition, float spaceScan, bool flip)

Returns a list of the world tile spaces the image would occupy if placed at the given position using the specified spaceScan value (the portion of a space that must be non-transparent for that space to count as filled).

RectU root.nonEmptyRegion(String imagePath)

Returns the rectangle containing the portion of the specified asset image that is non-transparent.

Json root.npcConfig(String npcType)

Returns a representation of the generated JSON configuration for an NPC of the given type.

Json root.npcVariant(String species, String npcType, float level, [unsigned seed], [Json parameters])

Generates an NPC with the specified species, type, level, seed and parameters, and returns its configuration.

float root.projectileGravityMultiplier(String projectileName)

Returns the gravity multiplier of the given projectile's movement controller configuration as configured in `physics.config`.

Json root.projectileConfig(String projectileName)

Returns a representation of the JSON configuration for the given projectile.

JsonArray root.recipesForItem(String itemName)

Returns a list of JSON configurations of all recipes which output the given item.

String root.itemType(String itemName)

Returns the item type name for the specified item.

JsonArray root.itemTags(String itemName)

Returns a list of the tags applied to the specified item.

bool root.itemHasTag(String itemName, String tagName)

Returns true if the given item's tags include the specified tag and false otherwise.

Json root.itemConfig(ItemDescriptor descriptor, [float level], [unsigned seed])

Generates an item from the specified descriptor, level and seed and returns a JSON object containing the `directory`, `config` and `parameters` for that item.

ItemDescriptor root.createItem(ItemDescriptor descriptor, [float level], [unsigned seed])

Generates an item from the specified descriptor, level and seed and returns a new item descriptor for the resulting item.

Json root.tenantConfig(String tenantName)

Returns the JSON configuration for the given tenant.

JsonArray root.getMatchingTenants(map<String, unsigned> colonyTags)

Returns an array of JSON configurations of tenants matching the given map of colony tags and corresponding object counts.

JsonArray root.liquidStatusEffects(LiquidId liquid)

Returns an array of status effects applied by the given liquid.

String root.generateName(String assetPath, [unsigned seed])

Returns a randomly generated name using the specified name gen config and seed.

Json root.questConfig(String questTemplateId)

Returns the JSON configuration of the specified quest template.

JsonArray root.npcPortrait(String portraitMode, String species, String npcType, float level, [unsigned seed], [Json parameters])

Generates an NPC with the specified type, level, seed and parameters and returns a portrait in the given portraitMode as a list of drawables.

JsonArray root.monsterPortrait(String typeName, [Json parameters])

Generates a monster of the given type with the given parameters and returns its portrait as a list of drawables.

bool root.isTreasurePool(String poolName)

Returns true if the given treasure pool exists and false otherwise. Can be used to guard against errors attempting to generate invalid treasure.

JsonArray root.createTreasure(String poolName, float level, [unsigned seed])

Generates an instance of the specified treasure pool, level and seed and returns the contents as a list of item descriptors.

String root.materialMiningSound(String materialName, [String modName])

Returns the path of the mining sound asset for the given material and mod combination, or `nil` if no mining sound is set.

String root.materialFootstepSound(String materialName, [String modName])

Returns the path of the footstep sound asset for the given material and mod combination, or `nil` if no footstep sound is set.

float root.materialHealth(String materialName)

Returns the configured health value for the specified material.

Json root.materialConfig(String materialName)

Returns a JSON object containing the `path` and base `config` for the specified material if it is a real material, or `nil` if it is a metamaterial or invalid.

Json root.modConfig(String modName)

Returns a JSON object containing the `path` and base `config` for the specified mod if it is a real mod, or `nil` if it is a metamod or invalid.

Json root.liquidConfig(LiquidId liquidId)

Json root.liquidConfig(String liquidName)

Returns a JSON object containing the `path` and base `config` for the specified liquid name or id if it is a real liquid, or `nil` if the liquid is empty or invalid.

String root.liquidName(LiquidId liquidId)

Returns the string name of the liquid with the given ID.

LiquidId root.liquidId(String liquidName)

Returns the numeric ID of the liquid with the given name.

Json root.monsterSkillParameter(String skillName, String parameterName)

Returns the value of the specified parameter for the specified monster skill.

Json root.monsterParameters(String monsterType)

Returns the parameters for a monster type.

ActorMovementParameters root.monsterMovementSettings(String monsterType)

Returns the configured base movement parameters for the specified monster type.

Json root.createBiome(String biomeName, unsigned seed, float verticalMidPoint, float threatLevel)

Generates a biome with the specified name, seed, vertical midpoint and threat level, and returns a JSON object containing the configuration for the generated biome.

String root.hasTech(String techName)

Returns `true` if a tech with the specified name exists and `false` otherwise.

String root.techType(String techName)

Returns the type (tech slot) of the specified tech.

Json root.techConfig(String techName)

Returns the JSON configuration for the specified tech.

String root.treeStemDirectory(String stemName)

Returns the path within assets from which the specified tree stem type was loaded.

String root.treeFoliageDirectory(String foliageName)

Returns the path within assets from which the specified tree foliage type was loaded.

Collection root.collection(String collectionName)

Returns the metadata for the specified collection.

List<Collectable> root.collectables(String collectionName)

Returns a list of collectables for the specified collection.

String root.elementalResistance(String elementalType)

Returns the name of the stat used to calculate elemental resistance for the specified elemental type.

Json root.dungeonMetadata(String dungeonName)

Returns the metadata for the specified dungeon definition.

BehaviorState root.behavior(`LuaTable` context, Json config, `JsonObject` parameters)

Loads a behavior and returns the behavior state as userdata.

context is the current lua context called from, in almost all cases _ENV.

config can be either the String name of a behavior tree, or an entire behavior tree configuration to be built.

parameters is overrides for parameters for the behavior tree.

BehaviorState contains 2 methods:

  • behavior:init(_ENV) -- initializes the behavior, loads required scripts, and returns a new behavior state
  • behavior:run(state, dt) -- runs the behavior, takes a behavior state for the first argument
  • behavior:clear(state) -- resets the internal state of the behavior



function init()
  self.behavior = root.behavior("monster", {})
  self.behaviorState = self.behavior:init(_ENV)

function update(dt)
  self.behavior:run(self.behaviorState, dt)

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