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  1. status

The `status` table relates to the status controller attached to an entity. It is available in:

  • monsters
  • npcs
  • status effects
  • companion system scripts
  • quest scripts
  • tech
  • primary status scripts for: player, monster, npc

Json status.statusProperty(String name, Json default)

Returns the value assigned to the specified status property. If there is no value set, returns default.

Performance Note:These properties are sent over the network to connected players when playing multiplayer.

As a result, this can cause issues if the data stored becomes large.

Prefer using player.getProperty(String name, Any default) where networking is not required.

void status.setStatusProperty(String name, Json value)

Sets a status property to the specified value.

Performance Note:These properties are sent over the network to connected players when playing multiplayer.

Setting a single property will broadcast ALL of your status properties to all players who have your player entity loaded. As a result, this can cause issues if the data stored becomes large.

Prefer using player.setProperty(String name, Any value) where networking is not required.

float status.stat(String statName)

Returns the value for the specified stat. Defaults to 0.0 if the stat does not exist.

bool status.statPositive(String statName)

Returns whether the stat value is greater than 0.

List<String> status.resourceNames()

Returns a list of the names of all the configured resources;

bool status.isResource(String resourceName)

Returns whether the specified resource exists in this status controller.

float status.resource(String resourceName)

Returns the value of the specified resource.

bool status.resourcePositive(String resourceName)

Returns whether the value of the specified resource is greater than 0.

void status.setResource(String resourceName, float value)

Sets a resource to the specified value.

void status.modifyResource(String resourceName, float value)

Adds the specified value to a resource.

float status.giveResource(String resourceName, float value)

Adds the specified value to a resource. Returns the amount successfully added.

bool status.consumeResource(String resourceName, float amount)

Tries to consume the specified amount from a resource. Returns whether the full amount was able to be consumed. Does not modify the resource if unable to consume the full amount.

bool status.overConsumeResource(String resourceName, float amount)

Tries to consume the specified amount from a resource. If unable to consume the full amount, will consume all the remaining amount. Returns whether it was able to consume any at all of the resource.

bool status.resourceLocked(String resourceName)

Returns whether the resource is currently locked.

void status.setResourceLocked(String resourceName, bool locked)

Sets a resource to be locked/unlocked. A locked resource cannot be consumed.

void status.resetResource(String resourceName)

Resets a resource to its base value.

void status.resetAllResources()

Resets all resources to their base values.

float status.resourceMax(String resourceName)

Returns the max value for the specified resource.

float status.resourcePercentage(String resourceName)

Returns the percentage of max that the resource is currently at. From 0.0 to 1.0.

void status.setResourcePercentage(String resourceName, float value)

Sets a resource to a percentage of the max value for the resource. From 0.0 to 1.0.

void status.modifyResourcePercentage(String resourceName, float value)

Adds a percentage of the max resource value to the current value of the resource.

JsonArray status.getPersistentEffects(String effectCategory)

Returns a list of the currently active persistent effects in the specified effect category.

void status.addPersistentEffect(String effectCategory, Json effect)

Adds a status effect to the specified effect category.

void status.addPersistentEffects(String effectCategory, JsonArray effects)

Adds a list of effects to the specified effect category.

void status.setPersistentEffects(String effectCategory, JsonArray effects)

Sets the list of effects of the specified effect category. Replaces the current list active effects.

void status.clearPersistentEffects(String effectCategory)

Clears any status effects from the specified effect category.

void status.clearAllPersistentEffects()

Clears all persistent status effects from all effect categories.

void status.addEphemeralEffect(String effectName, [float duration], [EntityId sourceEntity])

Adds the specified unique status effect. Optionally with a custom duration, and optionally with a source entity id accessible in the status effect.

void status.addEphemeralEffects(JsonArray effects, [EntityId sourceEntity])

Adds a list of unique status effects. Optionally with a source entity id.

Unique status effects can be specified either as a string, "myuniqueeffect", or as a table, {effect = "myuniqueeffect", duration = 5}. Remember that this function takes a list of these effect descriptors. This is a valid list of effects: { "myuniqueeffect", {effect = "myothereffect", duration = 5} }

void status.removeEphemeralEffect(String effectName)

Removes the specified unique status effect.

void status.clearEphemeralEffects()

Clears all ephemeral status effects.

List<pair<DamageNotification>>, unsigned status.damageTakenSince([unsigned since = 0]])

Returns two values:

  • A list of damage notifications for the entity's damage taken since the specified heartbeat.
  • The most recent heartbeat to be passed into the function again to get the damage notifications taken since this function call.


_,lastStep = status.damageTakenSince() -- Returns the full buffer of damage notifications, throw this away, we only want the current step
-- stuff
notifications,lastStep = status.damageTakenSince(lastStep) -- Get the damage notifications since the last call, and update the heartbeat

List<pair<EntityId,DamageRequest>>, unsigned status.inflictedHitsSince([unsigned since = 0]])

Returns two values:

  • A list {{entityId, damageRequest}} for the entity's inflicted hits since the specified heartbeat.
  • The most recent heartbeat to be passed into the function again to get the inflicted hits since this function call.

List<DamageNotification>, unsigned status.inflictedDamageSince([unsigned since = 0])

Returns two values:

  • A list of damage notifications for damage inflicted by the entity.
  • The most recent heartbeat to be passed into the function again to get the list of damage notifications since the last call.

JsonArray status.activeUniqueStatusEffectSummary()

Returns a list of two element tables describing all unique status effects currently active on the status controller. Each entry consists of the String name of the effect and a float between 0 and 1 indicating the remaining portion of that effect's duration.

void status.setPrimaryDirectives([String directives])

Sets the primary set of image processing directives that should be applied to the animation of the entity using this status controller.

void status.applySelfDamageRequest(DamageRequest damageRequest)

Directly applies the specified damage request to the entity using this status controller.

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