A To-Do List

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A To-Do List Icon.png
A To-Do List
A To-Do List.png

A Glitch To-Do List.

Removed: No Longer Available

A To-Do List was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

A To-Do List was a Glitch codex.

It was removed from the game when lore was rewritten in update cheerful giraffe.


A To-Do List

It does not seem to belong to any particular Glitch

Smelt any rusted swords
Gather an appropriate amount of logs
Perform any Glitch repairs
Develop a new recipe
Check the perimeter for Outcasts
Check the library for philosophy texts
Create a protocol for greeting visitors of other species
Repair all houses


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem todolistCodex
File Name todolist.codexitem
File Path assets/codex/documents