The Severing

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Severing Icon.png

The Severing

Removed: No Longer Available

The Severing was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

Severing was a Glitch codex found inside Sewer Dungeons.

It was removed from the game when lore was rewritten in update cheerful giraffe.


The Severing

From the journal of Platinum Ace, Outcast leader

We caught a hivemind Glitch attempting to infiltrate our ranks today. Our agents are slipping. We argued over what to do with this Glitch for a while, thankfully having caught her before she entered the tunnels, and eventually a severing was decided upon.

Using technology we have been developing, we are now able to sever ties from the hivemind even if the Glitch in question is not compliant, and so we did here. She will be watched, this new addition, but for now she seems liberated and grateful. Interesting.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem sewerseveringCodex
File Name sewersevering.codexitem
File Path assets/codex/documents